Starly UI target to enterprise who want to unify the FE tech-stack for cross-platform, specially to Design System. Here is some the feature highlights:
- 💎 High-quality, accessible design systems with the serious checklist each components
- 🧩 Framework Agnostic: Base on Web Components(Lit) - So anyone, any projects can use this with confident and scale
- Support CDNs
- Support Localization
- Official support Dark 🌜/ Light 🌞 Theme
- 🦄 Open sources & Backed by Starly
Starly UI is designed and developed by Harry Tran and Starly Core Team
Action components help people achieve an aim.
Accessibility Checklist
- Keyboard navigation
- Focusable
- Clickable
- Tabbable & Pressable
- Can transform between button and link element
Accessibility Checklist
- Svg have role img
- Svg have default value for aria-label attribute(combine the library + icon name) and can change when fill whatever user want
Communication components provide helpful information.
Containment components hold information and actions – including other components like buttons, menus, or chips.
Navigation components help people move through the UI.
Selection components let people specify choices.
Input components let people enter and edit text.