Permettre à chacun de mieux connaitre son trouble pour faciliter le choix du bon traitement
yarn start
Then, open another terminal and run:
yarn ios
yarn android
yarn test
yarn lint
lines 135 and 136 to change versionCode and version name -
lines 29 and 30 to add the keystore password -
Then, run the following command :
yarn build:android
This will generate a .aab file that you can upload in Google Play Console. This file can be found in android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app.aab
and uploaded in a new Play Store release.
line 29 to putNSAllowsArbitraryLoads
to false and removelocalhost
, and click Product > Archive -
At the end of archiving, a new window opens: click "Distribute App". Then:
- Select "App Store Connect", and click "Next"
- Select "Upload", and click "Next"
- Select all three checkoxes ("Include bitcode for iOS content", "Strip Swift symbols" and "Upload your app's symbols"), and click "Next"
- In "Distribution certificate", select the default one, and in "", select "iOS provisionning", and click "Next"
- Finally, click on "Upload"
Your app is now in the Test Flight tab in your App Store Connect. After it is reviewed, you can use it in your next App Store release.