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osm-to-geojson Build Status

A CLI application that filters OSM PBF data files based on tags and then converts them to GeoJSON features in an NDJSON format.


Via Cargo

To build and install: cargo install osm-to-geojson

Via Docker

To pull and run: docker run tanadeau/osm-to-geojson:latest and then pass options as described below or use --help. Note that you will need to mount the directories with your input files and for your output file using the -v option to docker run. See below for an example.


osm-to-geojson 0.1.0
Trent Nadeau <[email protected]>
OSM PBF Filtering and GeoJSON converter

    osm-to-geojson --file <file>... --tag-filter <filter>... --output <output>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --file <file>...            Input file path
    -t, --tag-filter <filter>...    Tag filter in form tag=val1|val2|... Multiple filters are ANDed.
    -o, --output <output>           Output file path (will be NDJSON file with a GeoJSON Feature per line)


For local install:

osm-to-geojson \
    --file europe.osm.pbf \
    --file central-america.osm.pbf \
    --tag-filter 'amenity=hospital|clinic' \
    --tag-filter 'emergency=yes' \
    --output emergency-medical.ndjson

For Docker execution:

docker run \
    -v /path/to/local/data:/opt/data \
    -v /path/to/output/dir:/opt/output \
    tanadeau/osm-to-geojson:latest \
    --file /opt/data/europe.osm.pbf \
    --file /opt/data/central-america.osm.pbf \
    --tag-filter 'amenity=hospital|clinic' \
    --tag-filter 'emergency=yes' \
    --output /opt/output/emergency-medical.ndjson

The above will filter the nodes and ways within the given two input files to only those that have the amenity tag set to either "hospital" or "clinic" and that have the emergency tag set to "yes". It will then convert those to GeoJSON features (either points for nodes or polygons for ways and then output them into a newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON) file at the given path.