Chillout RGB is a complete project to build a full 16.8M Color by yourserf and control it using a Serial Port with its control software or a IR remote
This is the Firmware's repositories
Complete description (it):
This brach will enable, with right hardware, to receive command through RF board.
- Of course, an arduino or a dedicated device (like ChillOut RGB - (it)
- An RGB led (suitable for your driver). if you use a 20mA/channel RGB led, you only need a led and 3 limiter resistor otherwise you will need a led and suitable power controller.
- Arduino IDE.(you may need to add wirig.c in your tree folder)
- Processing IDE (optional). Using a terminal emulator (like HiperTerminal,putty (win) and minicom (linux)) you are able to send and receive command.
- Metro lib. (you may need to edit some line of code)
- VirtualWire lib.