Leaklog is a leakage control system based on Regulation (EC) No 842/2006. It logs findings and parameters of leakage checks, shows a history of the development of parameters, compares them with nominal ones and calculates the percentage of leakage.
- macOS
- Windows
- Linux and various UNIX-based platforms
- Czech (thanks to the Czech Association for Cooling and Air Conditioning Technology)
- English
- Polish (thanks to PROZON Fundacja Ochrony Klimatu)
- Serbian (thanks to Srđan Đokić, Association of HVAC technicians of Serbia)
- Slovak
Binaries are available for macOS and Windows on GitHub.
To build Leaklog from source, you will need Qt 5.9 or a newer, compatible version.
Use the lrelease
tool to compile translations as follows:
lrelease Leaklog.pro
lrelease rc/i18n/Leaklog-i18n.ts
If you're running macOS, use:
qmake -spec macx-clang -config release
Otherwise, the following will do:
qmake -config release
And finally: