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Sean Callan edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 1 revision


Create a new tax payment. This should be called even when you have no taxes collected for a time period.


  • auth_uid (required) INTEGER - The ID for your API key.

  • auth_key (required) STRING - The API key.

  • auth_expiration (required) INTEGER - Unique ID tied to your key; changes if you reset your key.

  • tax_id (required) INTEGER - The Beans_Tax this payment is being applied to.

  • payment_account_id (required) INTEGER - The Beans_Account being used to pay the remittance.

  • writeoff_account_id (optional) INTEGER - The Beans_Account that handles the write-off - only required if there is a writeoff_amount.

  • total (required) - DECIMAL The total amount of taxes due for the time period. If this doesn't match the Beans_Tax_Prep result you will receive an error.

  • amount (required) - DECIMAL The total remitted.

  • writeoff_amount (optional) - DECIMAL The total amount to write-off.

  • date (optional) STRING - The YYYY-MM-DD date for this payment.

  • check_number (optional) STRING -

  • description (optional) STRING - A description for the transaction.


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