This plugin uses Beanstalk to process background jobs for Kanboard.
- Frederic Guillot
- License MIT
- Kanboard >= 1.0.29
- PHP >= 5.3.3
- Beanstalkd daemon
You have the choice between 3 methods:
- Install the plugin from the Kanboard plugin manager in one click
- Download the zip file and decompress everything under the directory
- Clone this repository into the folder
Note: Plugin folder is case-sensitive.
By default this plugin assume that beanstalkd is running on localhost
To change the default values, define those parameters in your config file:
define('QUEUE_NAME', 'kanboard');
You also need to run the Kanboard's worker:
./cli worker
The worker must have the same permissions as the web application (same user). You should run the worker with a process manager like supervisord or similar.
Using the official Docker distributed for Kanboard, you can implement this approach following these simple steps:
- Create a subfolder /etc/services.d/cli_worker and a text file /etc/services.d/cli_worker/run
- Create a subfolder /etc/services.d/beanstalk and a text file /etc/services.d/beanstalk/run
These "run" files are required for s6-svscan already included in the image to automatically load and supervise the two processes required
- For cli_worker/run define contents:
#!/bin/execlineb -P
- For beanstalk/run define contents:
#!/bin/execlineb -P
/var/www/app/cli worker
Restart the docker and you should be all set.