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Mapping Debugging Tips

Peter Mangiafico edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Cocina Mapping debugging tips

Trying to debug why validation is failing on the FromFedora mapping? From your local dor-services-app code, you can try this:

  1. Get the descMetadata datatream for the object and copy the XML to a local file.
  2. Lode the file up and create a nokogiri doc from it.
ng_xml = Nokogiri::XML('modsfile.xml'));
desc_props = Cocina::FromFedora::Descriptive.props(mods: ng_xml)

pp desc_props;nil

Cocina::Models::Validator.validate(Cocina::Models::Description, desc_props.with_indifferent_access) 

# see the validation error, examine the hash props to see what the problem might be, you can try altering the hash manually and then re-validating

c = # runs the validation and then maps if successful
puts c.to_json