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Ayush Srivastava edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Flow Diagram

Binding Functions

request_Access_With_Passphrase(NSString, NSString, NSString)

* function requests satellite for a new access grant using a passhprase
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: Satellite Address, API Key and Encryptionphassphrase 
* output: AccessResult


* function to parses serialized access grant string
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: StringKey
* output: AccessResult

config_Request_Access_With_Passphrase(config, NSString, NSString, NSString)

* function requests satellite for a new access grant using a passhprase and config.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: Config ,Satellite Address, API Key and Encryptionphassphrase
* output: AccessResult

access_Serialize(inout Access)

* function to serializes access grant into a string.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: Access
* output: StringResult

free_Access_Result(inout AccessResult)

* function frees memory associated with the AccessResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: AccessResult
* output: None

access_Share(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<AccessResult>, inout Permission, inout UnsafeMutablePointer<SharePrefix>, Int)

* function creates share access of specified bucket and paths.
* pre-requisites: config_Request_Access_With_Passphrase or config_Request_Access_With_Passphrase
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<AccessResult>,Permission ,UnsafeMutablePointer<[SharePrefix]>,Int
* output: AccessResult

free_String_Result(inout StringResult)

* function to free memory associated with the StringResult
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: StringResult
* output: None

free_Bucket_Result(inout BucketResult)

* function frees memory associated with the BucketResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: BucketResult
* output: None

free_Bucket(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Bucket>)

* function frees memory associated with the Bucket.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Bucket>
* output: None

free_Bucket_Iterator(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>)

* function frees memory associated with the BucketIterator.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>
* output: None

bucket_Iterator_Err(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>)

* function bucket_iterator_err returns error, if one happened during iteration.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>? or nil

bucket_Iterator_Item(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>)

* function to returns the current bucket in the iterator.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Bucket>? or nil

bucket_Iterator_Next(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>)

* function prepares next Bucket for reading.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>
* output: Bool

list_Buckets(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, inout ListBucketsOptions)

* function to lists buckets
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> and List Bucket Options
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<BucketIterator>? or nil

delete_Bucket(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString)

* function to delete empty bucket on storj V3
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> and Bucket Name
* output: BucketResult

ensure_Bucket(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString)

* function to creates a new bucket and ignores the error when it already exists
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> and Bucket Name
* output: BucketResult

create_Bucket(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString)

* function to create bucket on storj V3
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> and Bucket Name
* output: BucketResult

stat_Bucket(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString)

* function returns information about a bucket.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> and Bucket Name 
* output: BucketResult

free_Download_Result(inout DownloadResult)

* function frees memory associated with the DownloadResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: DownloadResult
* output: None

free_Read_Result(inout ReadResult)

* function frees memory associated with the ReadResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: ReadResult
* output: None

download_Info(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Download>)

* function returns metadata of downloading object
* pre-requisites: download_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Download>
* output: ObjectResult

close_Download(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Download>)

* function closes download
* pre-requisites: download_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Download>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>? or nil

download_Read(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Download>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, Int)

* function reads byte stream from storj V3
* pre-requisites: download_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Download> ,Pointer to array buffer, Size of Buffer
* output: ReadResult

download_Object(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString, NSString, UnsafeMutablePointer<DownloadOptions>)

* function for dowloading object
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> ,Object Name on storj V3 and UnsafeMutablePointer<DownloadOptions>
* output: DownloadResult

free_Error(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>)

* function frees memory associated with the Error.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>
* output: None

free_Object(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Object>)

* function frees memory associated with the Object.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Object>
* output: None

free_Object_Result(inout ObjectResult)

* function frees memory associated with the ObjectResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: ObjectResult
* output: None

free_Object_Iterator(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>)

* function frees memory associated with the ObjectIterator.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>
* output: None

stat_Object(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString,NSString)

* function information about an object at the specific key.
* pre-requisites: open_project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> , Bucket Name and Object Name
* output: ObjectResult

delete_Object(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString, NSString)

* function delete object from storj V3
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> , Bucket Name and Object Name
* output: ObjectResult

object_Iterator_Err(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>)

* function returns error, if one happened during iteration.
* pre-requisites: list_Objects function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>? or nil

object_Iterator_Item(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>)

* function returns the current object in the iterator.
* pre-requisites: list_Objects function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Object>? or nil

object_Iterator_Next(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>)

* function prepares next Object for reading.
* pre-requisites: list_Objects function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>
* output: Bool

list_Objects(inout UnsafeMutablePointer, NSString, inout ListObjectsOptions)

* function lists objects
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project> ,Bucket Name and ListObjectsOptions
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjectIterator>? or nil

free_Project_Result(inout ProjectResult)

* function frees memory associated with the ProjectResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: ProjectResult
* output: None

close_Project(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>)

* function close the project.
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>? or nil

config_Open_Project(Config, inout UnsafeMutablePointer)

* function to open project using access grant and config
* pre-requisites: request_Access_With_Passphrase or parse_Access function has been already called
* inputs: Config and UnsafeMutablePointer<Access>
* output: ProjectResult

open_Project(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Access>)

* function to open project using access grant.
* pre-requisites:  request_Access_With_Passphrase or parse_Access function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Access>
* output: ProjectResult

free_Upload_Result(inout UploadResult)

* function frees memory associated with the UploadResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: UploadResult
* output: None

free_Write_Result(inout WriteResult)

* function frees memory associated with the WriteResult.
* pre-requisites: None
* inputs: WriteResult
* output: None

upload_Info(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>)

* function return metadata of uploading object
* pre-requisites: upload_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>
* output: ObjectResult

upload_Set_Custom_Metadata(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>, CustomMetadata)

* function to set custom metadata on storj V3 object
* pre-requisites: upload_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload> ,CustomMetadata
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>? or nil

upload_Abort(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>)

* function to abort current upload
* pre-requisites: upload_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>? or nil

upload_Commit(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>)

* function to commits the uploaded data.
* pre-requisites: upload_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>
* output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Error>? or nil

upload_Write(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, Int)

* function to upload len(p) bytes from p to the object's data stream.
* pre-requisites: upload_Object function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Upload> ,Pointer to buffer array , Len of buffer
* output: WriteResult

upload_Object(inout UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, NSString, UnsafeMutablePointer<UploadOptions>)

* function to start an upload to the specified key.
* pre-requisites: open_Project function has been already called
* inputs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Project>, Object name and UnsafeMutablePointer<UploadOptions>
* output: UploadResult


  • The project has been tested on the following operating system:
* macOS Catalina
	* Version: 10.15.4
	* Processor: 2.5 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5
	* Node version : 13.6.0
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