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Python code to perform isotropic, anisotropic (non-evolving/evolving) searches for gravitational-waves via pulsar-timing.


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  • Justin Ellis
  • Rutger van Haasteren
  • Paul Baker
  • Arian Azin
  • Patrick Dean Mullen
  • Mark Dewing
  • Daniel George
  • Miguel Holgado
  • Michael Katolik
  • Wei-Ting Liao
  • Patrick Mullen
  • Kedar Phadke

Code list

  • performs a full evolving-anisotropy GWB and noise analysis. Uses MultiNest, PolyChord, or parallel-tempering sampling.
  • utility file to create power-anisotropy basis-functions.
  • utility file.
  • plotting script, adapted and extended from PAL.
  • utility file which defines the pulsar class for storing all relevant variables.
  • creates an hdf5 container to store all the information in the pulsar class. Useful for storing array products.
  • NX01_jitter.pxy: cython code to perform Sherman-Morrison block noise-matrix inversions when handling ECORR (jitter).
  • utilities file for generating plotting data.

Getting things installed (from scratch)

  1. Make sure you have a good python installation with a comprehensive collection of popular modules. I suggest Anaconda, which has a large set of modules that we need. If you don't want to mess with your existing python installation, then I suggest you proceed with the following steps, resolving module errors as they are encountered by either finding the relevant module git repository or trying pip install [...].

  2. Download a recent version of tempo2. The download website has quite a good installation guide. During the installation process, copy T2runtime to a location of your choice. When you set the TEMPO2 environment variable, make sure to also add it to your bashrc file, and reload your bashrc file (source ~/.bashrc) to reflect the environment change.

  3. After installing tempo2, you may also need to add the tempo2 libraries to your library path. Do so by adding export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TEMPO2/lib to your bashrc file, and reload the bashrc file to reflect your changes.

  4. Install libstempo, which is our python interface to tempo2. You can clone the repository (git clone to wherever you want to store software on your machine, and install with python install --with-tempo2=$TEMPO2. If needed, more complete instructions can be found at

  5. For NANOGrav analyses, download the dataset and follow the instructions in README.clock to update your tempo2 clock files. Note that the instructions tell you to copy gbt2gps.dat but the file is actually gbt2gps.clk. [If you have a recent tempo2 download (after November 2016) then manual clock updates are no longer needed]

  6. Install PTMCMCSampler, which is the main sampler we use to explore the signal and noise parameter space. As before, clone with git clone and install with python install.

  7. Install the python ephem package by executing conda install ephem. Install the python basemap package by executing conda install basemap.

  8. Download NX01 by cloning the repository -- git clone

  9. Copy nanograv-pulsar-store-9yr.ipynb to a new notebook for your own specific use. Change all paths to reflect where you have NANOGrav par and tim data. NANOGrav noise files are included in the data directory. The end result should produce a directory containing hdf5 files for all NANOGrav pulsars in the dataset.

  10. Copy PsrListings_GWB.txt to a new file for your own specific use. Edit the paths to the hdf5 files, par files, and tim files to reflect where you have stored them on your machine.

  11. Execute python --help to see all of the options available to you. These are quite extensive, and are being actively updated and improved.

  12. To run an analysis which will recover the upper limit on the dimensionless strain amplitude which matches that reported in the NANOGrav 9-year limit paper, execute python --from-h5 --psrlist=./PsrListings_GWB.txt --nmodes=15 --incGWB --fix_slope --psrEndIndex=18 --dirExt=./chains_firsttests/.

  13. If you get errors with importing NX01_jitter then you may need to cythonize this module first. On the command line type python build_ext --inplace. This should build the module, allowing you to repeat (12) without errors.

  14. This will initiate a run, producing a parent directory chains_firsttests, and run-specific sub-directory. This sub-directory will contain MCMC sample files and many auxillary files, amongst which is parameter_list.txt. This contains two columns; the first is a list of indices corresponding to columns of chain_1.txt where one can find the parameters of the second column.

  15. After identifying the column of chain_1.txt which corresponds to Agwb, you can get an x% upper limit by executing the following:

    	import NX01_bayesutils as bu
    	upper_lim = bu.confinterval(Agwb_samples, sigma=x/100, onesided=True)[1]
  16. If you want to make a few summary plots, you can use Execute python --help to see the options available to you. An example command is python --parentpath=/home/user/NX01/chains_firsttests --chaindir=nanograv_gwbdetect_noCorr_gam4p33_reddetectpowerlaw_nmodes15

  17. [IN DEVELOPMENT] If you want to make use of the NX01 GUI, you will need to install ipython widgets as follows: conda install ipywidgets.

  18. [IN DEVELOPMENT] Open NX01_GUI.ipynb and execute the cells. This will produce an interactive GUI, allowing you to check boxes or enter options for your model. Clicking Store Model will create a json file called mymodel.json in the NX01 directory. Clicking Engage will begin running the analysis with output piped into the notebook cell. Alternatively you can take the json file and upload to your NX01 installation on a cluster, running with python --jsonModel=mymodel.json.

Single-pulsar noise analysis

It should be straightforward to perform a single-pulsar noise analysis out of the box.

Run python --help for a list of all options. You can direct NX01 to your particular pulsar using either (i) parfile and timfile command-line arguments (full path needed); (ii) a full path for psrlist, and psrStartIndex and psrEndIndex commands to let the code know which position in the list it should select (pythonic indexing is used); or finally (iii) from-h5 with a full path for psrlist, and psrStartIndex and psrEndIndex commands to let the code know which position in the list it should select.

An example run command would be:

--varyWhite --nmodes=20 --redSpecModel=powerlaw --redPrior=loguniform
--sampler=ptmcmc --dirExt=./nx01_tests/

You can set the sampler to PTMCMC (ptmcmc), MultiNest (mnest), or PolyChord (pchord).

If you have MPI installed you can parallelise by running the following:

mpirun -np 4 --parfile=./NANOGrav_9y/par/J1713+0747_NANOGrav_9yv1.t2.gls.strip.par
--varyWhite --nmodes=20 --redSpecModel=powerlaw --redPrior=loguniform
--sampler=ptmcmc --dirExt=./nx01_tests/

where 4 cores will produce 4 temperature chains in the parallel-tempering MCMC sampling process.

Gravitational-wave searches

It is recommended to read in pulsars from their respective hdf5 files, which you should have previously produced from the nanograv-pulsar-store-9yr.ipynb notebook.

Run python --help for a list of all options.

An example run command would be:

python --from-h5
--psrlist=./PsrListings_GWB.txt --psrEndIndex=18 --nmodes=15 --redSpecModel=powerlaw --redPrior=uniform
--incGWB --fix_slope --gwbPrior=uniform --psrEndIndex=18
--sampler=ptmcmc --dirExt=./nx01_tests/

which will perform a GW background upper-limit analysis (without include correlations add --incCorr) with PTMCMC on the 18 pulsars analyzed in the 9-year NANOGrav limit paper.