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pcarbo committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent aa3b5b3 commit d2171bd
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 87 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Encoding: UTF-8
Type: Package
Package: fsusieR
Version: 0.2.70
Version: 0.2.71
Date: 2024-07-05
Title: Sum of Single Functions
Authors@R: person("William R. P.","Denault",role = c("aut","cre"),
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions R/plot_functions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -252,9 +252,8 @@ plot_susiF_effect <- function (obj,
data.frame(ystart = 0,yend = 0))
affected_region_dat$CS <- factor(affected_region_dat$CS)
out <- out + geom_segment(aes(x = Start,xend = End,y = ystart,yend = yend),
data = affected_region_dat,
linewidth = 0.75,lineend = "square",
color = "black")
data = affected_region_dat,linewidth = 0.75,
lineend = "square",color = "black")

# Finish up the plot.
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141 changes: 58 additions & 83 deletions vignettes/fsusie_intro.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ You can also access the Posterior inclusion probabilities directly
from the fitted object. Similarly, you can specify the plot_susiF
function to display only the PiP plot.

```{r plot-pips, fig.height=2, fig.width=5}
```{r plot-pips, fig.height=2, fig.width=5, eval=FALSE}

Expand All @@ -181,131 +181,106 @@ The easiest way to visualize the result is to use the
fsusie_plots <- plot_susiF(fit)

## Extracting the regions affected by the credible sets

We provide a build-in function to retrieve the regions where the
credible bands are "crossing zero"/i.e., the effects are likely not to
be 0 in this region.


## Prediction

You can also check the predictive power of susiF by checking the
fitted from the output susiF

```{r, eval=FALSE}
f1_obs <- f1
f2_obs <- f2
true_sig <- matrix( X[ ,pos1], ncol=1)%*%t(f1_obs) +matrix( X[ ,pos2], ncol=1)%*%t(f2_obs)
plot(fit$ind_fitted_func, true_sig,
xlab= "predicted value", ylab="true value")

Note that these predictions can differ substantially from the observed noisy curves
Note that these predictions can differ substantially from the observed
noisy curves

```{r, eval=FALSE}
plot(fit$ind_fitted_func, Y,
xlab= "predicted value", ylab="Noisy observation value")

## Handling functions of any length, and unevenly space data
## Handling functions of any length and unevenly spaced data

Wavelets are primarily designed to analyze functions sampled on $2^J$
evenly spaced positions. However, this assumption is unrealistic in
practice. For handling functions of any length, we use the approach of
Kovac and Silvermann (2005), which basically remaps the data on a grid
of length $2^J$. \textbf{What is important to know for the user:}

+ If you don't provide the sampling position (e.g., base pair
measurement) in the pos argument, susiF considers that the columns
of Y correspond to evenly spaced sampling positions. For example,
when fine-mapping DNA methylation (DNAm) data, if you are trying to
fine-map meQTL, the columns of the Y matrix correspond to different
CpG . You \textbf{should} provide the genomic position of each of
these CpG as a vector in the "pos" argument in the susiF function.

+ susiF provides the estimated effect on the remapped effect on a
$2^J$ grid.

Example of how to analyze unevenly spaced data.
The black lines corresponds to one of the SNP effect in our data, the red ticks corresponds to the sampling positions and the red dots correspond to what part of the effect we can observe.

```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
evenly spaced positions. However, this assumption can be limiting.

rsnr <- 0.5 #expected root signal noise ratio
For handling functions of any length, we use the approach of Kovac and
Silvermann (2005) which remaps the data on a grid of length

lev_res <- 9#length of the molecular phenotype (2^lev_res)
f1 <- simu_IBSS_per_level(lev_res )$sim_func #first effect
f2 <- simu_IBSS_per_level(lev_res )$sim_func #second effect
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

1. If you don't provide the sampling positions (e.g., base pair
measurement) in the "pos" argument, susiF assumes that the columns
of Y are evenly spaced. For molecular traits with known genomic
positions (e.g., base-pair positions), we recommend providing the
genomic positions in the "pos" argument.

## Suppose we observe these functions on 200 points
sampling_pos <- sample( 1:length(f1), size=200)
sampling_pos <-sampling_pos [order(sampling_pos)]
2. susiF always returns the estimated effect on a $2^J$ grid.

plot(f2, type="l", main="underlying function and the different sampling position")
points(sampling_pos, f2[sampling_pos], col="red",pch=20)
points(sampling_pos, rep(0, length(sampling_pos)), col="red",pch=3)

Let's generate the data under these conditions

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
f1_obs <- f1[sampling_pos]
f2_obs <- f2[sampling_pos] <- list()
X <- N3finemapping$X[,1:100]
for ( i in 1:nrow(X))
noise <- rnorm(length(f1_obs ), sd= 2) [[i]] <- X[i,pos1]*f1_obs +X[i,pos2]*f2_obs + noise
} <-,
Y <-
To illustrate, consider the following example. The true function is
defined on $2^9 = 512$ positions, but we only observe the function in
a random subset of those positions.

```{r sim-effects-uneven, fig.height=2, fig.width=5}
rsnr <- 0.5
f1 <- simu_IBSS_per_level(9)$sim_func
f2 <- simu_IBSS_per_level(9)$sim_func
pos <- sort(sample(512,200))
par(mar = c(2,2,2,2))
plot(f2,type = "l",lwd = 1.25)
points(pos,f2[pos],col = "black",pch = 20,cex = 0.75)
abline(a = 0,b = 0,col = "black",lty = "dotted")

Let's now generate Y similar to above.

To account for it, pass the sampling position in the pos argument.

```{r sim-data-uneven}
f1_obs <- f1[pos]
f2_obs <- f2[pos]
X <- N3finemapping$X[,1:100]
n <- nrow(X)
nloc <- length(pos)
noise <- matrix(rnorm(n*nloc,sd = var(f1)/rsnr),n,nloc)
Y <- tcrossprod(X[,pos1],f1_obs) + tcrossprod(X[,pos2],f2_obs) + noise

The only change to the call to susiF is that we now also provide the
sampling positions:

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
out <- susiF(Y,X,L=3 ,pos= sampling_pos)
```{r run-susiF-uneven, results="hide"}
fit <- susiF(Y,X,L = 10,pos)
To visualize the estimated effect with the correct x coordinate, use the "$outing_grid" object from the susiF.obj

In this example, effect 2 (in our simulation) is captured in the first CS. The black line is the actual true effect. The red dots are the effect level at the sampling position, the thick blue line is the estimated effect, and the dashed line is the 95% credible bands.
To visualize the estimated effect with the correct x coordinate, use
the "$outing_grid" object from the susiF.obj

In this example, effect 2 (in our simulation) is captured in the first
CS. The black line is the actual true effect. The red dots are the
effect level at the sampling position, the thick blue line is the
estimated effect, and the dashed line is the 95% credible bands.

plot( x=1:512, y=f2,type="l")
points( x=sampling_pos, y=f2_obs, col="red",pch=20)
lines( x=out$outing_grid, y=out$fitted_func[[1]] ,col='darkblue', lwd=2)
lines( x=out$outing_grid, y= out$cred_band[[1]][1,] ,col='darkblue',lty=2 )
lines( x=out$outing_grid, y= out$cred_band[[1]][2,] ,col='darkblue' ,lty=2 )
plot(x = 1:512,y = f2,type = "l")
points(x = sampling_pos,y = f2_obs,col = "red",pch = 20)
lines(x = out$outing_grid,y = out$fitted_func[[1]],col = "darkblue",lwd = 2)
lines(x = out$outing_grid,y = out$cred_band[[1]][1,],col = "darkblue",lty = 2)
lines(x = out$outing_grid,y = out$cred_band[[1]][2,],col = "darkblue",lty = 2)

### A note on the priors available

Note that fSuSiE has two different priors available: \textit{mixture_normal_per_scale} and \textit{mixture_normal}. The default value is \textit{mixture_normal_per_scale}, which has slightly higher performance (power, estimation accuracy) than the \textit{mixture_normal}. However, \textit{mixture_normal} is up to 40% faster than the \textit{mixture_normal_per_scale}. You may consider using this option before performing genome-wide fine mapping.

Here is a comparison between their running time
```{r }
```{r, eval=FALSE}
out1 <- susiF(Y,X,L=3 , prior = 'mixture_normal_per_scale',verbose=FALSE)
out2 <- susiF(Y,X,L=3 , prior = 'mixture_normal',verbose=FALSE)
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