The Plaid is a 4x12 ortholinear keyboard made from through hole parts, designed by hsgw.
My contributions include the design of an acrylic guard, figuring out how to use an aluminium plate, and a modified way to put the keyboard together. I also include a way to flash the bootloader to the atmega328p with ArudinoISP. USB-C variant of the keyboard TODO.
Three part video guide: [Part 1, Introduction] [Part 2, PCB and bootloader] [Part 3, Switches and finish]
Completed Plaid with an aluminium plate from SendCutSend and an acrylic guard from Ponoko.
Plaid without an acrylic guard or plate, and with an old fuse component. Notice the alignment problems (right space is higher than left space, "j" key (ま on the Hiragana keycaps) is also higher than its surroundings).