Here, you can find the source code and releases for the web-based DrakonHub diagram editor.
To get the desktop version of DrakonHub, go to
DrakonHub server runs on tarantool 2 and requires Linux.
DrakonHub is written in DRAKON-JavaScript and DRAKON-Lua.
Use DRAKON Editor to open .drn files. Most of .js and .lua files are generated from the respective .drn files.
Tcl 8.6 and Java are needed to build DrakonHub.
- Ubuntu Linux. Other Linux distributives could work but that is not tested.
- Tarantool 2.x.
Install Tarantool 2. Follow instructions here:
sudo apt-get install luarocks
sudo luarocks install luautf8
Close ports 3301 and 8090 from external access in the production environment. If this is not done, the database will be available to the outside world, and DrakonHub server will be available without HTTPS.
- Download a DrakonHub release from GitHub Releases
- Unzip the release into a folder on your Linux machine. The config expects the path to be /drakonhub.
- Put the proper configuration values in app/dewt.lua
- Make sure the installation folder matches src_path variable in dewt.lua
- memtx_memory property is the size of the in-memory database. It must not be larger than 50% of the RAM.
- listen property is the port that the tarantool server is listening on.
- port property is the port that the DrakonHub server is accepting HTTP requests on.
- Make sure the host property is the actual host value from the HTTP requests. For example, if DrakonHub runs behind nginx and in nginx configuration, the requests are forwarded to, the host property should be "".
- Make sure that network in the virtual machine is configured as Bridged Adapter.
- Put the proper value in the host property in the DrakonHub configuration file (app/dewt.lua or app/dbgcfg.lua). It should be the bridged IP address, for example
- Add insecure_cookie = true in the global_cfg section.
By default, emails are saved in the tmp folder.
To start sending emails via Mailgun, do the following:
- Save your Mailgun key in app/external_creds.lua
- In dewt.lua, set debug_mail to false.
- In dewt.lua, set mg to true.
- Go to app folder in your DrakonHub installation.
- tarantool dewt.lua
To run the server in the interactive mode, run
tarantool dbgcfg.lua
Do not forget to edit the dbgcfg.lua configuration file.
sudo killall tarantool
In a production environment, put DrakonHub behind a proper HTTP server, for example nginx.
To access this URL, logon as admin first.
Default admin credentials. User: admin password: drakon