Handouts for background technical presentations for Geosoftware II Seminar at ifgi
- Fork this project
- Do your research
- Edit the handout.md file in your folder
- Create a presentation based on your handout
- Send a pull request before the submission deadline containing your handout (not the presentation)
- Present at the seminar
- If you see an error or want to extend information of your own or a colleagues handout...
- Update your fork
- Make the changes
- Send a pull request to the original author of the topic and dicuss your changes
The evaluation is conducted based on the content of the handout, the presentation itself, and the discussion afterwards during the course. Be prepared for questions by your fellow students and the teachers, but also prepare some drill-down topics or potential questions yourself so that you can stick to your presentation time slot.
Make sure you cover at least the mentioned keywords. More is better, but only really better if you evaluate alternatives, phrase opinions, and provide guidelines for your fellow students.
- Disaster management - Twelsiek, Steinblum
- Tools for Collaborative Software Development (GitHub, Trello, wikis, ...) - Bodem, Weber
- Server-Side JS and JS Security (node.js, same-origin policy) - Esaulova, Köster
- RESTful Services, JSON and OAuth - Ummelmann, Rieping
- Software Engineering Methods (SCRUM, user stories, backlogs, sprints, roles) - Ruhe, Junge
- Databases (Spatial DB, NoSQL, Triple stores, ...) - Stüwe, Loos
- Map-Client Frameworks (Leaflet, OpenLayers, GeoExt, ...) - Dragunski, Rohtermundt
- JavaScript Frameworks (jQuery, ExtJS, D3, AngularJS, JSONIX ...) - Mohr, Stöcker
- Web technologies (HTML5, WebSockets, Linked Data, ...) - Rendel van Zadelhoff
- Geodata formats (WMS, Flickr images, WFS, raster/vector, netCDF, tagged data, GeoTIFF, ...) - Schulte, Tasse
- Metadata (ISO 19xxx, microformats, OGC Catalog, FGDC, Dublin Core, OWL, Ontologies, Folksonomies, ...) - Gockel, Mazurkiedicz, Golze
- Website design (responsiveness, mobile first, Bootstrap, LESS, SASS, HTML5Boilerplate, Foundation, 960.gs) - NN
- Reviews and Ratings on the web - Daniel Nüst
- Coding guidelines (How to write good code?) are in
. Contributions by all participants are welcome! - Code review guidelines (How to do the code review?) are in
. Comments or contributions welcome!