- 9/15/2016: working on converting the newest version of croppie which has vastly improved mobile support.
What Am I?!
I'm an awesome Angular module for the even more awesome Croppie.js. Pure Javascript implementation; no dependencies needed! Also responsive!
NPM: npm install ng-croppie
Bower: bower install ngCroppie
Ensure you link it correctly in your HTML
<script src="path/to/ng-croppie.min.js"></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' type="text/css" href="path/to/ng-croppie.min.css"></link>
And add it as a module for your app:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngCroppie']);
Nothing is required in the controller. For sake of clarity, these are the variables you'll see in the demo.
app.controller('basicController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.inputImage = null;
$scope.outputImage = null;
$scope.onUpdate = function(data){
Now, just add it to your HTML.
<ng-croppie src="inputImage"
<ng-croppie src="inputImage"
boundry="{w: 400, h: 400}"
viewport="{w: 300, h:300}"
<!-- PREVIEW -->
<img ng-src="{{outputImage}}" />
src: [path/to/image.js] OR base64.
ng-model: The image output. Returns are a base64.
update: [function] place a functon in the controller to run whenever changes are made to the image.
boundry: [object] {w: __, h: __}. This will create the size of the container that will host the Croppie tool. Not required, but will default to 300x300.
viewport: [object] {w: __, h: __}. This will create your output size. Must be smaller than the boundry or it will equal it. Defaults to 200x200.
mousezoom: [Boolean] Setting it to true enables you to use the mouse scroll bar to zoom in/out. Not required; defaults to true. Note that zoom must also be true.
zoom: [Boolean] Setting it to true shows the zoom slider. Not required; defaults to true.
type: [String] Can either be "circle" or "square". Not required; defaults to "square".
- added destroy event
None, just Angular 1.4+
MIT - go nuts y'all.