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This module simplifies the deployment of AKS clusters, allowing users to quickly create and manage a production-grade Kubernetes cluster on Azure.


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Azure AKS Terraform module


SquareOps Technologies Your DevOps Partner for Accelerating cloud journey.

This module simplifies the deployment of AKS clusters, allowing users to quickly create and manage a production-grade Kubernetes cluster on Azure. The module is highly configurable, allowing users to customize various aspects of the AKS cluster, such as the Kubernetes version, worker node instance type, and number of worker nodes. Additionally, the module provides a set of outputs that can be used to configure other resources, such as the Kubernetes config file and the Azure CLI.

This module is ideal for users who want to quickly deploy an AKS cluster on Azure without the need for manual setup and configuration. It is also suitable for users who want to adopt best practices for security and scalability in their AKS deployments.

Setup SSH Keys for AKS nodes

  1. Generate SSH keys using Azure CLI:
az sshkey create --name "mySSHKey" --resource-group "myResourceGroup"

The resulting output lists the new key files' paths:

Private key is saved to "/home/user/.ssh/7777777777_9999999".
Public key is saved to "/home/user/.ssh/".
  1. Create Azure Key Vault using Azure CLI:
az keyvault create --name MyKeyVault --resource-group MyResourceGroup --location "East US"
  1. Set SSH public key in Key Vault using Azure CLI:
az keyvault secret set --vault-name "MyKeyVault" --name "mySSHKey" --file /home/user/.ssh/
  1. Update the Key Vault name and ID in the Terraform data variables: Update the example/complete/ file with the following values for key vault:
data "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "ssh_key" {
  name         = "mySSHKey"
  key_vault_id = "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/MyKeyVault"

Usage Example

data "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "ssh_key" {
  name         = "test-ssh-key"
  key_vault_id = "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/prod-skaf-tfstate-rg/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/test-ssh-key-skaf"

# There are two types of managed idetities "System assigned" & "UserAssigned". User-assigned managed identities can be used on multiple resources.
resource "azurerm_user_assigned_identity" "identity" {
  name                = "aksidentity"
  resource_group_name = "AKS-resource-group"
  location            = "eastus"

module "aks_cluster" {
  depends_on = [module.vnet, azurerm_user_assigned_identity.identity]
  source     = "squareops/aks/azurerm"

  name                               = "aks-cluster"
  environment                        = "prod"
  kubernetes_version                 = "1.26.3"
  create_resource_group              = false  # Enable if you want to a create resource group for AKS cluster.
  existing_resource_group_name       = "AKS-resource-group"
  resource_group_location            = "eastus"
  user_assigned_identity_id          =
  principal_id                       = azurerm_user_assigned_identity.identity.principal_id
  network_plugin                     = "azure"
  net_profile_dns_service_ip         = "" # IP address within the Kubernetes service address range that will be used by cluster service discovery. Don't use the first IP address in your address range. The first address in your subnet range is used for the kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local address.
  net_profile_pod_cidr               = "" # For aks pods cidr, when choosen "azure" network plugin these value will be passed as null.
  net_profile_docker_bridge_cidr     = "" # It's required to select a CIDR for the Docker bridge network address because otherwise Docker will pick a subnet automatically, which could conflict with other CIDRs. You must pick an address space that doesn't collide with the rest of the CIDRs on your networks, including the cluster's service CIDR and pod CIDR. Default of
  net_profile_service_cidr           = "" # This range shouldn't be used by any network element on or connected to this virtual network. Service address CIDR must be smaller than /12. You can reuse this range across different AKS clusters.
  default_agent_pool_name            = "infra"
  default_agent_pool_count           = "1"
  default_agent_pool_size            = "Standard_DS2_v2"
  host_encryption_enabled            = false
  default_node_labels                = { Addon-Services = "true" }
  os_disk_size_gb                    = 30
  auto_scaling_enabled               = true
  agents_min_count                   = 1
  agents_max_count                   = 2
  node_public_ip_enabled             = false  # If we want to create public nodes set this value "true"
  agents_availability_zones          = ["1", "2", "3"] # Does not applies to all regions please verify the availablity zones for the respective region.
  rbac_enabled                       = true
  oidc_issuer_enabled                = true
  open_service_mesh_enabled          = false  # Add on for the open service mesh (istio)
  private_cluster_enabled            = false  # AKS Cluster endpoint access, Disable for public access
  sku_tier                           = "Free"
  subnet_id                          = ["", ""]
  admin_username                     = "azureuser"  # node pool username
  public_ssh_key                     = data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.ssh_key.value
  agents_type                        = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"  # Creates an Agent Pool backed by a Virtual Machine Scale Set.
  net_profile_outbound_type          = "loadBalancer"   # The outbound (egress) routing method which should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are loadBalancer and userDefinedRouting. Defaults to loadBalancer.
  log_analytics_workspace_sku        = "PerGB2018" # refer for log analytics pricing
  log_analytics_solution_enabled     = true # Log analytics solutions are typically software solutions with data visualization and insights tools.
  control_plane_logs_scrape_enabled  = true # Scrapes logs of the aks control plane
  control_plane_monitor_name         = format("%s-%s-aks-control-plane-logs-monitor",, local.environment) # Control plane logs monitoring such as "kube-apiserver", "cloud-controller-manager", "kube-scheduler"
  additional_tags                    = local.additional_tags

module "aks_managed_node_pool" {
  depends_on = [module.aks_cluster]
  source     = "squareops/aks/azurerm//modules/managed_node_pools"

  resource_group_name   = "AKS-resource-group"
  orchestrator_version  = "1.26.3"
  location              = "eastus"
  vnet_subnet_id        = ["", ""]
  kubernetes_cluster_id = module.aks_cluster.kubernetes_cluster_id
  node_pools = {
    app = {
      vm_size                  = "Standard_DS2_v2"
      auto_scaling_enabled     = true
      os_disk_size_gb          = 50
      os_disk_type             = "Managed"
      node_count               = 1
      min_count                = 1
      max_count                = 2
      availability_zones       = ["1", "2", "3"]
      enable_node_public_ip    = false # if set to true node_public_ip_prefix_id is required
      node_public_ip_prefix_id = ""
      node_labels              = { App-service = "true" }
      node_taints              = ["workload=example:NoSchedule"]
      host_encryption_enabled  = false
      max_pods                 = 30
      agents_tags              = local.additional_tags

Refer example for more details.


The required permissions to create resources from this module can be found here


Name Version
azurerm ~> 3.0
helm >=2.6
kubernetes >=2.13.0


Name Version
azurerm ~> 3.0
null n/a
random n/a


Name Source Version
resource-group ./modules/resource-group n/a


Name Type
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks_cluster resource
azurerm_log_analytics_solution.logs resource
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.logs resource
azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.control_plane resource
azurerm_role_assignment.network_contributor resource
null_resource.open_service_mesh_addon resource
random_id.log_analytics_workspace_name_suffix resource
azurerm_subscription.primary data source


Name Description Type Default Required
name The name of the deployment or resource. (e.g., AKS cluster name, resource group name) string "" no
host The host or endpoint for the resource. string "" no
client_certificate The client certificate for authentication. string "" no
client_key The client key for authentication. string "" no
cluster_ca_certificate The CA certificate used by the cluster. string "" no
environment The environment in which the resources are deployed. string "" no
resource_group_name The name of the Azure resource group. string "" no
user_assigned_identity_id The ID of the user-assigned identity. string "" no
resource_group_location The location of the Azure resource group. string "" no
create_resource_group To create a new resource group. Value in existing_resource_group will be ignored if this is true. bool false no
existing_resource_group_name Name of existing resource group that has to be used. Leave empty if new resource group has to be created. string "" no
tags The tags to associate with your network and subnets and aks resources. map(string)
"tag1": "",
"tag2": ""
kubernetes_cluster_id The ID of the Kubernetes cluster. string "" no
client_id The Azure Active Directory (AAD) client ID for authentication. string "" no
client_secret The Azure Active Directory (AAD) client secret for authentication. string "" no
cluster_name The name of the cluster for AAD configuration. string "" no
kubernetes_version The version of Kubernetes to use in the AKS cluster. string "" no
admin_username The username for the AKS cluster's admin user. string "" no
public_ssh_key The public SSH key for the AKS cluster's admin user. string "" no
sku_tier The SKU tier for the AKS cluster. string "" no
private_cluster_enabled Indicates whether the AKS cluster is private or public. bool false no
enable_http_application_routing Enables or disables HTTP application routing. bool false no
enable_kube_dashboard Enables or disables the Kubernetes dashboard. bool false no
balance_similar_node_groups Indicates whether to balance similar node groups. bool true no
oidc_issuer_enabled Indicates whether to oidc issuer is enabled. bool true no
max_graceful_termination_sec The maximum time for graceful termination in seconds. number 600 no
scale_down_delay_after_add The delay duration after adding a node. string "10m" no
scale_down_delay_after_delete The delay duration after deleting a node. string "10s" no
scale_down_delay_after_failure The delay duration after a failure. string "3m" no
scan_interval The interval duration for scanning. string "10s" no
scale_down_unneeded The duration before scaling down unneeded nodes. string "10m" no
scale_down_unready The duration before scaling down unready nodes. string "20m" no
scale_down_utilization_threshold The utilization threshold for scaling down. number 0.5 no
agents_pool_name The names of the agent pools. list(string)
agents_count The desired number of agents. number 2 no
agents_min_count The minimum number of agents. number 1 no
agents_max_count The maximum number of agents. number 3 no
agents_size The sizes of the agent pools. list(string)
node_taints The taints for the nodes. list(string)
subnet_id The IDs of the subnets. list(string)
os_disk_size_gb The size of the OS disk in gigabytes. number 20 no
auto_scaling_enabled Enables or disables auto-scaling. bool false no
node_public_ip_enabled Indicates whether nodes have public IP addresses. bool true no
agents_availability_zones The availability zones for the agent pools. list(string) null no
agents_type The type of agents. string "" no
agents_max_pods The maximum number of pods per agent. number 50 no
network_plugin The network plugin to use. string "" no
net_profile_dns_service_ip The DNS service IP address. string "" no
net_profile_docker_bridge_cidr The Docker bridge CIDR. string "" no
net_profile_outbound_type The outbound type for the network profile. string "" no
net_profile_pod_cidr The pod CIDR. string "" no
net_profile_service_cidr The service CIDR. string "" no
node_pool The configuration for the node pool. any {} no
rbac_enabled Indicates whether RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is enabled. bool false no
log_analytics_workspace_sku Name of the log analytics workspace sku tier string "PerGB2018" no
log_analytics_solution_enabled Enable or disable log analytics solution bool true no
log_analytics_solution_name Name of the log analytics solution resource string "" no
control_plane_logs_scrape_enabled Enable or disable control plane logs scraping bool true no
control_plane_monitor_name Name of the azure monitor diagostic setting resource which scraps logs of control plane logs monitoring such as kube-apiserver, cloud-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager etc. string "" no
additional_tags Additional tags for best practices any {} no
principal_id AKS identity principal ID string "" no
node_labels_app The node labels to be attached to be attached to the aks app node pool map(string) {} no
node_labels_infra The node labels to be attached to be attached to the aks infra node pool map(string) {} no
auto_scaling_app_enabled Whether to enable auto scaling for the app node pool bool true no
agents_count_app The initial number of agents for the app node pool string "1" no
agents_min_count_app The minimum number of agents for the app node pool string "1" no
agents_max_count_app The maximum number of agents for the app node pool string "3" no
agents_availability_zones_app The availability zones for the app node pool list(string)
auto_scaling_monitor_enabled Whether to enable auto scaling for the monitor node pool bool true no
agents_count_monitor The initial number of agents for the monitor node pool string "1" no
agents_min_count_monitor The minimum number of agents for the monitor node pool string "1" no
agents_max_count_monitor The maximum number of agents for the monitor node pool string "3" no
agents_availability_zones_monitor The availability zones for the monitor node pool list(string)
node_labels_monitor The labels for the monitor node pool map(string)
"Monitor-Services": "true"
auto_scaling_database_enabled Whether to enable auto scaling for the database node pool bool true no
agents_count_database The initial number of agents for the database node pool string "1" no
agents_min_count_database The minimum number of agents for the database node pool string "1" no
agents_max_count_database The maximum number of agents for the database node pool string "3" no
agents_availability_zones_database The availability zones for the database node pool list(string)
node_labels_database The labels for the database node pool map(string)
"Database-Services": "true"
default_agent_pool_name The name of the default agent pool string "infra" no
default_agent_pool_count The number of agents in the default agent pool string "1" no
default_agent_pool_size The size of the default agent pool string "Standard_DS2_v2" no
default_node_labels The labels for the default agent pool map(string)
"Infra-Services": "true"
host_encryption_enabled The enable the encryption of the hosts bool false no
open_service_mesh_enabled The enable the open service mesg (istio) bool true no


Name Description
cluster_name Cluster Name
default_ng_rg_name Default Node Group Resource Group Name
kubernetes_cluster_id kubernetes cluster id
host host
client_certificate client_certificate
client_key client_key
cluster_ca_certificate cluster_ca_certificate

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This module simplifies the deployment of AKS clusters, allowing users to quickly create and manage a production-grade Kubernetes cluster on Azure.








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