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spencer kelly edited this page Feb 28, 2019 · 3 revisions


Something as tricky as international timing can only be solved with many hands. We welcome issues, pull-requests, and questions.

Our goal is to keep Spacetime tiny, so any features that make it easier without adding much overhead are greatly welcomed!

My background's wikipedia, I really support flexible collaboration between strangers.

I aim to be the most-welcoming, and least-pedantic maintainer I can be.

Software is daunting enough.

Contributing on github should be a light, easy, non-scary thing to do.

1) Got an idea? - Click the fork button:

that copies the project to your personal github,
where you can make whatever changes you want.

2) Download it onto your computer:

Github calls this a clone, I'm not sure why.
get your link from this button:
you'll need to have git, and maybe some github tokens setup
but now you're able to see it on your computer

3) Get it running:

ideally this is very simple.

this will download the random things your computer needs to run

(you'll need npm installed - but that's pretty easy)

this actually works pretty well usually.

4) Run the tests:

you don't have to do this, but sometimes it's nice to see the green dots:

5) Goof-around:

you can change things, and run it again.
    try npm run start or npm run watch.
    (People tuck these commands inside of the ./package.json file.)

git status shows the changes you've made

git diff shows it in more detail

6) Commit your changes:

add edits to your repo with a commit (not as scary as it sounds!)

git add any changed files

git commit - add a small message

git push - upload it to github

- try not to add things you didn't mean to here. -

(It's a pain to un-commit things)

7) Make a pull request:

kindly offer to put your changes back into the main codebase:

github does a pretty-good job at this.

say hello! explain your changes a little bit.

If it's a big change, or you're going to be adding new features, you may want to open an issue to chat about it first.

  • sometimes there are concerns, or discussions to have.
  • sometimes maintainers have automatic tests that run during a pull request.
  • some maintainers ignore good Pull Requests, which is rude. (It sometimes happens!)
  • maintainers have a hard job.
don't let that bother you.

Helpful advice

  • best to ensure the tests are still passing, after you've made your changes

  • Bonus points for adding more tests, for the new stuff you're adding.

  • to change your PR, you can simply do another commit+push, it appears automatically.

  • try to keep your Pull Request small, so it's easy to review.

  • no-need to commit new builds, or increment version numbers. Let maintainers do that.

  • it may take some time before your change enters a new release. Don't sweat.

Good work! 🏆

After a few times, this stuff gets easier, I promise.

It used to be so much harder.

git, github, homebrew, and nodejs have really lowered the barrier to software projects. A lot of tools, and help are available