Steps to run:
Run the following command:
mix run gossip.ex
<topology> : line or full or impLine or random2D or 3D or torus
<algorithm>: gossip or push-sum
1. In our program, Gossip and Push-sum algorithms run for line, imperfect line, 3D, Random 2D, Torus and full topologies.
2. Algorithm:
* Build topology.
if line ->
assign the left and right nodes as neighbours for each node. First and last nodes will have only right and left neighbours respectively.
if imperfect line ->
Same as line with an addition of randomly chosen node as an extra neighbour.
if 3D ->
Calculate the co-ordinates for each node in 3D plane. For a node (x1,y1,z1) if abs(x2-x1)+abs(y2-y1)+abs(z2-z1) == 1, then (x2,y2,z2) is a neighbour.
if Random2D ->
Assign random coordinates to every node on a [0-1.0]X[0-1.0] square. A node y is a neighbour of node x if distance between x and y is less than 0.1.
if full ->
For every node p, all other nodes are it's neighbours.
if torus ->
If a node x is an edge node, neighbours are node next to it, node below or above it and opposite edge node.
* start algorithm
if gossip ->
From the list of neighbours received from build topology algo, a node passes the rumour to randomly chosedn neighbour. When a node receives the rumour for the 10th time, it stops transmitting.
When all nodes stop passing, algorithm converges.
Difference between start time and end time is convergence time.
if push-sum ->
From the list of neighbours received from build topology algo, a node is assigned s and w.
Initially a random node sends half of its values to one of its neighbours.
When a node receives a message, it adds recived s and w to its own s and w.
if the difference in s/w does not change by more than 10^-10 for 3 consecutive times, it terminates.
Largest network for each topology and algorithm:
Algorithm | Full | 3D | Random 2D | Torus | ImpLine | line |
Gossip | 10000 |10000| 10000 | 7500 | 7500 | 5000 |
Push-sum | 5000 |5000 | 5000 | 4000 | 4000 | 2000 |