This project was created for Assembly Languages at Silesian University of Technology.
This application puts a gradient on a .bmp file.
It was implemented in 2 languages:
- C/C++
- Assembly
Idea was to compare if time gained by vector instructions usage in assembly language may improve performance of C/C++ language.
In this particular case it turned out it may not.
Documentation (only PL version) and charts generated during analisys are at /JAGradient/Dokumentacja
Pure sources can be found at /JAGradient/Zrodla%202.0
Working visual studio project 2017 is at /JAProject
To run the project one must specify all parameters followed by values in command line:
- -r [Red color from 0:255]
- -g [Green color from 0:255]
- -b [Blue color from 0:255]
- -i [path to input file]
- -o [path to output file]
- -A1C0 [1 for assembly execution or 0 for C execution]