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Fornost461 edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 5 revisions


Go to the Shoes website and download Shoes 3.2 or 3.3. Install it. Ignore the manual at that website - it's out of date by a lot. No problem - Shoes has a built-in manual that is a lot faster, easier and much more current.

You should read Nobody Knows Shoes. because it's funky and artful and it'll give you a taste of what can be done with Shoes.

(There is no upgrade system for now, but you can manually upgrade, by uninstalling one version and installing another one.)

Have a question? Just want to talk Shoes? - You really should join the Shoes mailing list and ask away. That's also a good place to discuss bugs if you don't want to get a github account. If you'd like to be a little more active about what's going on with Shoes 3 you should read the blog.

I also encourage you to read the known bug reports at Shoes3 github. You'll need a free github account if you want to post there.

Need a Beginners Guide to Ruby? - I recommend Programming Ruby, The Pragmatic Programmers Guide, also known as the PickAxe book. It doesn't cover Shoes - it's just for Ruby. I suggest buying the hardcover book - my copy is always open to some reference page or another because I don't know everything and you may not either. We are equals!

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