- Ruby 2.3.3
- Redis
- If you don't have homebrew, install it now.
- If you haven't installed ruby before, we recommend rbenv
brew install rbenv && rbenv install 2.3.3
- If you don't have redis installed locally:
brew install redis && brew services start redis
- Clone:
git clone https://github.com/sheldonrampton/slackjirabot.git
- CD:
cd slackjirabot
- Bundler:
gem install bundler && bundle install
- Create a .env file, copy the example and get the correct tokens:
cp example.env .env
- [Visit the Slack integrations page for your team, e.g., https://myteam.slack.com/apps/build/custom-integration
- Click on Bots
- Give your bot a name like
- Copy the api Token and put it in your .env file
foreman start
All merge requests run both specs and a linter, make sure they both pass before you push code up unless you want failures.
- Specs:
bundle exec rspec
- Lint:
bundle exec rubocop
We encourage you to contribute to SlackJiraBot! Send us your pull requests!