GC friendly Lightweight Thread Safe Object Pool.
To maintain pooled objects, most Object Pools libraries need allocate small objects when allocating/freeing objects. But if the objects we are going to pool is very small, it makes those libraries helpless.
In a latency critical application (FPS game), we use Java to implement server. To avoid GC as much as possible, we pool everything we can, even objects as small as float[3].
- Java 7
- maven
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
This will generate jar in the target directory.
Implement IFastObjectFactory<T>
or use DefaultFastObjectFactory<T>
Create an instance of FastObjectPool<T>
Call borrowObject to return from pool
Call returnObject to return to pool
FastObjectPool<TestObject> pool = new FastObjectPool<>(
new DefaultFastObjectFactory<>(TestObject.class));
TestObject obj = pool.borrowObject();
Internally this lib uses single linked list to save pooled objects. When objects is allocated from pool the link nodes is cached.
To make it thread safe, it uses AtomicStampedReference<T>
to set linkes between nodes.