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  • I will work on the UI and UI components from scratch using tailwindcss
  • I will work on the SEO and SGC "static generated components" on the end of the project to save more time meanwhile.


Add-ons tasks

  • Admins theme currentlly working on it
    • full access epic
    • non access epic [normal users that can not access only view]

styling rules

  • fonts
    • main color gray-800
    • second color gray-700
    • hover color gray-900
    • success text color green-600
    • error text color red-600
    • warnint text color yellow-600
  • backgrounds
    • main color gray-900
    • second color gray-800
    • light mani color gray-600
    • light second color gray-500
    • light hover color gray-700
  • buttons
    • success:
      • main color gray-800
      • second color gray-700
      • hover color gray-900
      • disabled color gray-500
    • danger:
      • main color red-800
      • second color red-700
      • hover color red-900
      • disabled color red-500
    • warning:
      • main color yellow-800
      • second color yellow-700
      • hover color yellow-900
      • disabled color yellow-500
    • info:
      • main color blue-800
      • second color blue-700
      • hover color blue-900
      • disabled color blue-500
  • inputs
    • static
      • main color gray-800
      • second color gray-700
      • focus-visible color gray-800
      • focus-visible outline color gray-200
    • success
      • main color green-800
      • second color green-700
      • focus-visible color green-800
      • focus-visible outline color green-200
    • error
      • main color red-800
      • second color red-700
      • focus-visible color red-800
      • focus-visible outline color red-200

What I've done today

Tu 20/08/2024

  • created Button, Input, Dynamic navbar UI components

  • I needed to share the dynamic navbar between the home "/" routes and the '/dashboard/** routes, So it was confusing to handle the navbar that was displayed in the Drawer.tsx UI component of the dashboard and the main layout.tsx of the nextjs root, because it will duplicate if I navigate to /dashboard/**, However I found out that I should use the following file structure to manage the layout as I want:

    | /(home) // don't add '/home' route
    |-- page.tsx
    |-- layout.tsx
    | /dashboard
    |-- page.tsx
    |-- layout.tsx
    | layout.tsx // the root layout of the app

We 21/08/2024

  • input status
  • style the button status (status, variants, sizes)
  • customize the home page layout.
  • login form
  • changed the color palette and write the brand
  • login-form.tsx
  • avatar dropdown list more customization and its navlinks.
  • a lot and alot of layout changes.
  • style the inputs (sizes)

Th 22/08/2024

  • auto overflow the drawer nav links.
  • adding hero component for home page.
  • reinforce the button component, you can using it as a link or button and added the width and loading props.

Fri 23/08/2024

  • fixed the action.tsx redirect issue by removing the "use server" directive.
  • set up axios and endpoints reusable snippets
  • users table
  • Loading status for dashboard content
  • protected route using is-auth.tsx component
  • enable deploying to vercel by disable typescript error😑
  • title component

Sat 24/08/2024 & Sun 25/08/2024

facing issues while redirect the user after login, because of my wrong nextjs component usage

  • I need to know where to use nextjs cookies and clien cookies. done
  • understanding how the cookies and the composition pattern works in nextjs
  • change the way I display avatar-list data, I need to seperate the aciton buttons and the navlinks
  • set up react hook forms and yup
  • change none .tsx files to .ts

Mon 26/08/2024 & Tu 27/08/2024

notes: you will encounter the following error message, it because when you pass a null value in the react child like mapping an array of objects, let's say we have an array of objects for users we get it from an API. In this scenario you should implement a functionality to handle this error, and if you have an key of an object let's say address: null you can return it this way {address === null && "no address"}. There is another way to break this bug, but I did not try, you can check here and here with use cases

Unhandled Runtime Error

Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {street, city, state, zipCode, country}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.

It is hard to share the response of the catch and the try, so I should use ether RTK or React Query

  • return the error message from the API request for the login form.
  • update the api schema by the database changes
  • changed the is-auth.tsx component to an async component and add "use server" directive.
  • is-auth.tsx checks if the user is signed in or not using an endpoint that responds if the token is valid or not, this procedure helped me to manage the authentication process efficiantly with no depending on the cookies
  • create custom skeleton UI Component. it needs more enhancements

Wed 28/08/2024 & Thu 29/08/2024

  • subtask: remove the navlink from the avatar list if the pathname === the navlink pathname
  • badge UI Component

Sat 31/08/2024

  • create table, thead,tbody, tr,th,and td UI Components
  • add outline button variant
  • remove the <Link> feature of the Button-with-link.tsx UI Component and only use it as a button, and change the component name to Button.tsx. If you need to use the same format of the button for the nextjs's Link you can wrap the Button UI Component with the nextjs's Link navigation tag.

Sun 01/09/2024

  • set up the initial procedures of react hook form "onChange"
  • instructors data
  • students data
  • departments data
  • subjects data
  • reinforce the table and data component
  • created reusable skeleton table

Fri 06/09/2024

  • refactor: button.tsx component now has props.outline prop contains boolean type.
  • refactor: badge.tsx component you can add variant prop

Sat 07/09/2024

  • feat: message UI component for the error and success messages
  • reafactor: endpoints

Sun 08/09/2024

  • just strugling with server and client components pattern concept

Mon 09/09/2024

  • user avatar and dropdown uses the API data to display the user details and check if the user is loggedin instead of using the token
  • create drawer-container.tsx component to use it as a parent async/await component, so I can use it to pass the data to the navbar for the user details and avatar image.
  • created avatar and dropdown components instead of avatar-with-list.

Tu 10/09/2024

  • block login and register pages if the user logged in
  • clean up some components and unneeded files
  • using validToken endpoint to check if the user is logged in for the logout function instead of using tokens to have more security.

Wed 11/09/2024

  • [/] update user page. // I completed the half of this work
  • display the user image
  • file-input.tsx UI Component
  • changed the get user by id schema with the backend developer
  • removed the cookies from any global scope or client side components.

Sat 14/09/2024

  • fixed the catch block bug "I got error but the user updates the data to the server successfull" the solution was that I needed to return the status code or the data, if I returned only the response it will return nextjs's error, due to it is a server code.
  • refctore: button component, now you can use it as a link.
  • feat: file input component

Sun 15/09/2024

  • feat: role-based component as a wrapper is-role-auth.tsx, you need only to wrap the main layout returned value and it will handle the authorization.
  • refactor: user's dropdown menu displays the links depends on its role.

Mon 16/09/2024 & Tue 17/09/2024

  • user role update.
  • setting up yup schema
  • user delete.
  • button enhancements

Wed 18/09/2024

  • user create.

Sat 21/09/2024 & Sun 22/09/2024

  • improve the delete button. I changed the main component to client component, thus I did not needed to customize delete button client component.
  • reset user's password.
  • I created a popover for the delete button of the users; to avoid deleting users unintentionally.
  • enhanced the typescript deffinections and yup schemas.
  • I needed to replace the className attribute at the last of the UI components props to apply the additional className prop.

Mon 23/09/2024

  • customize dynamic table for all the data, avoiding the duplication.
  • error messages for all forms, login, create user, update user and reset password
  • created response deffinition for the endpoints that return errors and success messages.

Tu 24/09/2024

  • delete button of the table-layer.tsx disabled in all pages include the current user's table row, thus I need to solve this issue the next session.
  • instructor delete.
  • fix: all pages loading delay.
  • fix: all pages error UI.
  • fix: delete button visibility for current user and common ids for other tables

Sat 28/09/2024 & Sun 29/09/2024

  • dynamic error handling for all the endpoints(create,update, delete, and reset password for user endpoint).
  • students, departments, and subjects get and delete endpoints

Mon 30/09/2024 & Sun 06/10/2024

Note: why all that time in this task? I found out that I should return a union object from the API server actions, thus I updated it about 4 times until I created the perfect function that will handle any type of data and return a dynamic object contains the important data. what was that object contain? I needed to make the client components more clear and readable, so I figured out that I should return the following object to help me controle the displayed data depends on the response status success, empty, or error. the returnd response snippet

const initialObject = {
  data: {} | [],
  isEmpty: boolean,
  isSuccess: boolean,
  isError: boolean,
  message: string | {[key: string]: string}
  • solve the try and catch data resolves
  • notfound component
  • create error message for the endpoints conditional-message.tsx [canceled]
  • create message component for the fetch proccess fetch-message.tsx
  • I must check if the endpoints data availible then map and make logic to avoid the errors
  • convert the errors object to array to display the data in the jsx and check if the error message is object or string before the process. in fetch-message.tsx and utils.ts
  • update all the api response with the new object schema
    • handleSignIn
    • refreshTokenIfExpired
    • isTokenValid
    • getAllUsers
    • getCurrentUser
    • getUserById
    • updateUser
    • createUser
    • deleteUser
    • resetUserPassword
    • getAllRoles
    • getRolesByUserId
    • getAllInstructors
    • getInstructorById
    • deleteInstructor
    • getAllDepartments
    • deleteDepartment
    • getAllStudents
    • deleteStudent
    • getAllSubjects
    • deleteSubject

Fri 11/10/2024 & Th 17/10/2024

  • update instructor
  • update department
  • update student
  • update subject
  • create instructor
  • create department
  • create student
  • create subject
  • create select input UI Component
  • change the user-update-form.tsx and user-reset-password.tsx file like the instructor-update-form.tsx file
  • display the supervisor and the manager in the tables of the departments and the instructors
  • change the typescript types file definitions.d.ts to definitions.ts as it documentation recommended
  • update the following components to the new, clean and a little single-responsibility approach
    • user-update-form.tsx
    • user-reset-password-form.tsx
    • instructor-update-form.tsx
    • department-update-form.tsx
    • subject-update-form.tsx
  • create a new reusable hook for the response message that I return from the API requests, thus I can use it with any place that need to return the response with a clear and readable code. you can find the hook named hooks/use-fetch-response.tsx
  • create a hook that return the API data as a options for the <select> element to make the form component readable and more single-responsibility for the following endpoints.
    • instructors
    • departments
    • roles
  • backend issue should be solve
    • union the subject schema and adding the period columns to its Get request
    • the student update return 403 forbidden it seems the backend logic block updating this for the super admin.
    • the student update return this error message from the endpoint NameEn: This Value Exists even if I changed another inputs like address, anyway I notified the backend developer to debug this situation
    • use import { InferType } from 'yup' helped me rid of duplicated interfaces. check the definitions.ts file to understand more about this or you can use the following reference
    • Note: creating reusable components helped me create all create requests forms within an hour.
    • fix all the typescript errors to finalize the project and upload it.


  • disable the dashboard sidebar depends on the user role.
  • create a condition for every api request that invoked using the buttons to check if the requirements and the validation steps accomplished before invoking the request function ex: updateUser(user:IUser)
  • forget password endpoint with the code and email.
  • instructors update, create.
  • user and the current user's profile.
  • dynamic breadcrump.
  • try and catch of the server returns into the try block of the client components
  • create Input UI Component with its message and variants, this will help you achieve the Single dependency principle
  • create an object contains the inputs name of the react hook forms, to help me loop the inputs instead of write them manually every type. [this task need more search to make it more typescript friendly]
  • dynamic profile page for the all users data types instructors, users, students and etc....
  • use useMemo, memo, and useCallback to maximize the performance.
  • create multiple select input UI Component.
  • create array of the endpoints
  • I should create separated interfaces and types for every CRUD request, in purpose adopting more type-safe.
  • create multiple select UI Components to handle the multi values for some endpoints like departments and students, etc...

UI components

  • button: you can pass any props or attribute it will dynamically work, but you must pass the value prop
  • inputs: you can pass any prop or attribute it will dynamically work.
  • nav: dynamically displaying the data depending on the user status
  • user avatar with a list: displays data and links depending on its authentication data if authenticated or not
  • logo layout: provide some props to customize it

Common Errors

  • Error: Maximum call stack size exceeded if you mapped the response from the API instead of