The Set Hole Diameter
plugin is a KiCad action plugin that sets the hole diameter of all pads in the PCB to a unique size. The default value is 0.8mm.
Why? When manufacturing and drilling PCBs by hand, it can happen that holes are drilled that are smaller than the holes in the original footprints. In this case, drilling leaves a small ring of PCB base material without copper around the hole. This will cause problems when soldering. Setting all holes to a minimum diameter will ensure that each hole is surrounded by copper.
The plugin is available in KiCad's Repo. Just search for it and install it.
- Clone this repository or download the latest release.
- Copy the
subdirectory to your KiCad plugins directory. eg
cp -rp plugins <your_kicad_plugin_directory>/com_github_seigedigital_setholediameterpluginforkicad
- Restart KiCad or use
Tools > External Plugins > Refresh Plugins
from the PCB Editors menu
- Open your PCB project in the KiCad PCB editor.
- Go to
Tools > External Plugins > Set Hole Diameter
to run the plugin.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL Version 3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Leander Seige, GbR