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clean up fractional.v slightly
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tjhance committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent f873eae commit 3f05826
Showing 1 changed file with 132 additions and 116 deletions.
248 changes: 132 additions & 116 deletions src/examples/fractional.v
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Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,11 @@ From iris Require Import options.

Require Import guarding.guard.
Require Import guarding.storage_protocol.protocol.
Require Import guarding.tactics.
From iris.algebra Require Import auth.

Require Import examples.misc_tactics.

Context {Σ: gFunctors}.
Context `{!invGS Σ}.

Definition FRAC_NAMESPACE := nroot .@ "fractional".

Definition frac := option Qp.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,32 +162,13 @@ Proof. split.
- intros. unfold "✓", nat_valid_instance. trivial.

Class frac_logicG Σ :=
#[local] frac_sp_inG ::
sp_logicG (storage_mixin_from_ii frac_storage_mixin_ii) Σ

Definition frac_logicΣ : gFunctors := #[
sp_logicΣ (storage_mixin_from_ii frac_storage_mixin_ii)

Global Instance subG_frac_logicΣ {Σ} : subG frac_logicΣ Σ → frac_logicG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.

Section Frac.

Context {Σ: gFunctors}.
Context `{@frac_logicG Σ}.
Context `{!invGS Σ}.

Fixpoint sep_pow (n: nat) (P: iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
Fixpoint sep_pow {Σ} (n: nat) (P: iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
match n with
| 0%nat => (True)%I
| S k => (bi_sep P (sep_pow k P))%I

Lemma sep_pow_additive (a b : nat) (Q: iProp Σ)
Lemma sep_pow_additive {Σ} (a b : nat) (Q: iProp Σ)
: sep_pow (a + b) Q ≡ (sep_pow a Q ∗ sep_pow b Q)%I.
induction b as [|b IHb].
Expand All @@ -201,9 +180,9 @@ Proof.
{ iIntros "[a [b c]]". iFrame. }

Definition family (Q: iProp Σ) (n: nat) : iProp Σ := sep_pow n Q.
Definition family {Σ} (Q: iProp Σ) (n: nat) : iProp Σ := sep_pow n Q.

Lemma wf_prop_map_family (Q: iProp Σ) : wf_prop_map (family Q).
Lemma wf_prop_map_family {Σ} (Q: iProp Σ) : wf_prop_map (family Q).
Proof. split.
{ unfold Proper, "==>", nat_equiv_instance. intros x y e. unfold "≡" in e.
subst x. trivial.
Expand All @@ -213,30 +192,6 @@ Proof. split.
intros a b x. unfold "⋅", nat_op_instance. unfold family. apply sep_pow_additive.

Definition m (γ: gname) (Q: iProp Σ) := sp_sto (sp_i := frac_sp_inG) γ (family Q).

Definition own_frac (γ: gname) (qp: Qp) := sp_own (sp_i := frac_sp_inG) γ (Some qp).

Lemma frac_init E (Q: iProp Σ)
: ⊢ True ={E}=∗ ∃ (γ: gname) , m γ Q.
iIntros "t".
iDestruct (sp_alloc_ns (sp_i := frac_sp_inG)
(None : option Qp)
(family Q)
with "[t]") as "x".
{ unfold sp_inv, frac_inv. split; trivial. unfold sp_inv. trivial. }
{ apply wf_prop_map_family. }
{ unfold family. unfold sp_interp, frac_interp_instance. unfold sep_pow. iFrame. }
iMod "x". iModIntro.
iDestruct "x" as (γ) "[%inn [a b]]".
iExists γ.
iFrame "a".

Lemma q_le_add_1 (a b: Q) (is_le: Qle a b) : Qle (a + 1) (b + 1).
Proof. rewrite Qplus_le_l. trivial. Qed.
Lemma q_lt_add_1 (a b: Q) (is_le: Qlt a b) : Qlt (a + 1) (b + 1).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,74 +332,135 @@ Proof.
rewrite Qred_involutive. trivial.

Lemma frac_deposit (R: iProp Σ) γ
: m γ R ⊢ R ={{[γ]}}=∗ own_frac γ 1.
iIntros "#m q".
iDestruct (sp_deposit None (Some (1%Qp)) 1 _ _ with "m [q]") as "x".
{ rewrite eq_storage_protocol_deposit_ii. intros q Y. split.
{ unfold sp_inv, frac_inv in *. destruct q.
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. apply is_int_plus_1. trivial. }
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. apply is_int_1. }
{ unfold "✓", nat_valid_instance. trivial. }
{ unfold sp_interp, frac_interp_instance, "⋅", option_op, nat_op_instance in *.
destruct q.
{ unfold "⋅", frac_op_instance, "≡", nat_equiv_instance.
apply to_nat_add_1. }
simpl. trivial. }
{ iSplitR. { iDestruct (sp_own_unit with "m") as "u". unfold ε, option_unit. iFrame "u". }
{ iModIntro. unfold family, sep_pow, sep_pow. iFrame "q". }
iMod "x". iModIntro. iFrame "x".
Class frac_logicG Σ :=
#[local] frac_sp_inG ::
sp_logicG (storage_mixin_from_ii frac_storage_mixin_ii) Σ

Lemma frac_join q1 q2 γ :
(own_frac γ q1) ∗ (own_frac γ q2) ⊣⊢ own_frac γ (q1 + q2).
setoid_rewrite <- sp_own_op.
unfold own_frac.
Definition frac_logicΣ : gFunctors := #[
sp_logicΣ (storage_mixin_from_ii frac_storage_mixin_ii)

Lemma frac_withdraw (R: iProp Σ) γ :
m γ R ⊢ own_frac γ 1 ={{[γ]}}=∗ ▷ R.
iIntros "#m q".
iDestruct (sp_withdraw (Some (1%Qp)) None 1 _ _ with "m [q]") as "x".
{ rewrite eq_storage_protocol_withdraw_ii. intros q Y. split.
{ unfold sp_inv, frac_inv in *. destruct q.
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. apply is_int_minus_1. trivial. }
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. trivial. }
unfold sp_interp, frac_interp_instance, "⋅", option_op, nat_op_instance. destruct q.
- symmetry. apply to_nat_add_1.
- simpl. trivial. }
{ iFrame "q". }
iMod "x" as "[x y]".
iModIntro. iModIntro. unfold family, sep_pow. iDestruct "y" as "[y z]". iFrame "y".
Global Instance subG_frac_logicΣ {Σ} : subG frac_logicΣ Σ → frac_logicG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.

Lemma frac_guard (R: iProp Σ) γ q :
m γ R ⊢ own_frac γ q &&{ {[γ]} }&&> ▷ R.
unfold m.
unfold own_frac.
assert (R ⊣⊢ (family R 1)) as X.
unfold family, sep_pow. iIntros. iSplit. { iIntros. iFrame. } iIntros "[x y]". iFrame.
setoid_rewrite X at 2.
apply sp_guard.
2: { set_solver. }
rewrite eq_storage_protocol_guards_ii. intro q0. unfold "≼", sp_inv, frac_inv.
apply nat_ge_to_exists. unfold sp_interp, frac_interp_instance, "⋅", option_op.
destruct q0.
- apply nat_ceil_ge_1.
- apply nat_ceil_ge_1.
Section Frac.
Context {Σ: gFunctors}.
Context `{@frac_logicG Σ}.
Context `{!invGS Σ}.

Definition sto_frac (γ: gname) (Q: iProp Σ) := sp_sto (sp_i := frac_sp_inG) γ (family Q).
Definition own_frac (γ: gname) (qp: Qp) := sp_own (sp_i := frac_sp_inG) γ (Some qp).

Lemma frac_alloc E (Q: iProp Σ)
: ⊢ |={E}=> ∃ (γ: gname) , sto_frac γ Q ∗ ⌜ γ ∈ (↑FRAC_NAMESPACE : coPset) ⌝.
iDestruct (sp_alloc_ns (sp_i := frac_sp_inG)
(None : option Qp)
(family Q)
with "[]") as "x".
{ unfold sp_rel, sp_inv, frac_inv. split; trivial. unfold sp_inv. trivial. }
{ apply wf_prop_map_family. }
{ done. }
iMod "x". iModIntro.
iDestruct "x" as (γ) "[%inn [a b]]".
iExists γ.
iFrame "a". iPureIntro. trivial.

Lemma frac_deposit (R: iProp Σ) γ
: sto_frac γ R ⊢ R ={{[γ]}}=∗ own_frac γ 1.
iIntros "#m q".
iDestruct (sp_deposit None (Some (1%Qp)) 1 _ _ with "m [q]") as "x".
{ rewrite eq_storage_protocol_deposit_ii. intros q Y. split.
{ unfold sp_inv, frac_inv in *. destruct q.
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. apply is_int_plus_1. trivial. }
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. apply is_int_1. }
{ unfold "✓", nat_valid_instance. trivial. }
{ unfold sp_interp, frac_interp_instance, "⋅", option_op, nat_op_instance in *.
destruct q.
{ unfold "⋅", frac_op_instance, "≡", nat_equiv_instance.
apply to_nat_add_1. }
simpl. trivial. }
{ iSplitR. { iDestruct (sp_own_unit with "m") as "u". unfold ε, option_unit. iFrame "u". }
{ iModIntro. unfold family, sep_pow, sep_pow. iFrame "q". }
iMod "x". iModIntro. iFrame "x".

Lemma frac_join q1 q2 γ :
(own_frac γ q1) ∗ (own_frac γ q2) ⊣⊢ own_frac γ (q1 + q2).
setoid_rewrite <- sp_own_op.
unfold own_frac.

Lemma frac_withdraw (R: iProp Σ) γ :
sto_frac γ R ⊢ own_frac γ 1 ={{[γ]}}=∗ ▷ R.
iIntros "#m q".
iDestruct (sp_withdraw (Some (1%Qp)) None 1 _ _ with "m [q]") as "x".
{ rewrite eq_storage_protocol_withdraw_ii. intros q Y. split.
{ unfold sp_inv, frac_inv in *. destruct q.
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. apply is_int_minus_1. trivial. }
{ unfold "⋅", option_op, "⋅", frac_op_instance in *. trivial. }
unfold sp_interp, frac_interp_instance, "⋅", option_op, nat_op_instance. destruct q.
- symmetry. apply to_nat_add_1.
- simpl. trivial. }
{ iFrame "q". }
iMod "x" as "[x y]".
iModIntro. iModIntro. unfold family, sep_pow. iDestruct "y" as "[y z]". iFrame "y".

Lemma frac_guard (R: iProp Σ) γ q :
sto_frac γ R ⊢ own_frac γ q &&{ {[γ]} }&&> ▷ R.
unfold sto_frac.
unfold own_frac.
assert (R ⊣⊢ (family R 1)) as X.
unfold family, sep_pow. iIntros. iSplit. { iIntros. iFrame. } iIntros "[x y]". iFrame.
setoid_rewrite X at 2.
apply sp_guard.
2: { set_solver. }
rewrite eq_storage_protocol_guards_ii. intro q0. unfold "≼", sp_inv, frac_inv.
apply nat_ge_to_exists. unfold sp_interp, frac_interp_instance, "⋅", option_op.
destruct q0.
- apply nat_ceil_ge_1.
- apply nat_ceil_ge_1.

Lemma frac_alloc2 (P: iProp Σ) (E: coPset) :
P ⊢ |={E}=> ∃ (γ: gname) , own_frac γ 1%Qp
∗ □ (own_frac γ 1%Qp ={↑FRAC_NAMESPACE}=∗ ▷ P)
∗ (∀ q , own_frac γ q &&{↑FRAC_NAMESPACE}&&> ▷ P).
intros HE. iIntros "P".
iMod (frac_alloc E P) as (γ) "[#sto %Hns]".
Print fupd_mask_frame.
iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq {[γ]}) as "Hb". { set_solver. }
iMod (frac_deposit with "sto P") as "H1".
iMod "Hb". iModIntro.
iExists γ. iFrame "H1". iSplit.
- iModIntro. iIntros "Ho1". iApply (fupd_mask_mono {[γ]}). { set_solver. }
iApply frac_withdraw; iFrame. iFrame "sto".
- iIntros (q). leaf_goal mask to ({[γ]}). { set_solver. }
iApply frac_guard. iFrame "sto".

End Frac.

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