Unity project for experimenting with VR ideas designed for learning. (Unity 5 build)
The project:
- Is migrated to Unity 2019 after being created in Unity Personal version 5.4.4f1 (Archive link) (Unity is not implicitly forward compatible).
- Uses Google VR SDK version 0.6 (also called Google Cardboard SDK).
- Supports minimum Android API level 16+ - though it was only available under older Unity (tag v1.0), as it now implicitly enforces 19+ by overriding the manifest (a newer Cardboard SDK would also require higher version) - maybe something like IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject could work with the new Unity if anyone's interested in trying. Other platforms weren't tested.
- Contains a custom Head-Tilt based movement input implementation.
- Includes a small mathematical game of sorting numbered boxed, interacting using gaze only.
- Implements three input modes (Non-VR keyboard, Non-VR touch phone, VR head-tilt) accessible from both the menu, and an in-game console.