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Manage sudo with Puppet on Debian-, RedHat- and SUSE-based linux distributions and some BSDs


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sudo module for Puppet

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Manage sudo configuration via Puppet

Supported OS

Some family and some specific os are supported by this module

  • debian osfamily (debian, ubuntu, kali, ...)
  • redhat osfamily (redhat, centos, fedora, ...)
  • suse osfamily (suse, opensuse, ...)
  • solaris osfamily (Solaris, OmniOS, SmartOS, ...)
  • freebsd osfamily
  • openbsd osfamily
  • aix osfamily
  • darwin osfamily
  • gentoo operating system
  • archlinux operating system
  • amazon operating system



This module will purge your current sudo config

If this is not what you're expecting, set purge and/or config_file_replace to false

Install sudo with default sudoers

Purge current sudo config

    class { 'sudo': }

Purge sudoers.d directory, but leave sudoers file as it is

    class { 'sudo':
      config_file_replace => false,

Leave current sudo config as it is

    class { 'sudo':
      purge               => false,
      config_file_replace => false,

Use LDAP along with sudo

Sudo do not always include by default the support for LDAP. On Debian and Ubuntu a special package sudo-ldap will be used. On Gentoo there is also the needing to include puppet portage module by Gentoo. If not present, only a notification will be shown.

    class { 'sudo':
      ldap_enable => true,

Adding sudoers configuration

Using Code

    class { 'sudo': }
    sudo::conf { 'web':
      source => 'puppet:///files/etc/sudoers.d/web',
    sudo::conf { 'admins':
      priority => 10,
      content  => '%admins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL',
    sudo::conf { 'joe':
      priority => 60,
      source   => 'puppet:///files/etc/sudoers.d/users/joe',

Using Hiera

A hiera hash may be used to assemble the sudoers configuration. Hash merging is also enabled, which supports layering the configuration settings.

Examples using:

  • YAML backend
  • an environment called production
  • a /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml hierarchy configuration:
  - "%{environment}"
  - "defaults"
Load module

Load the module via Puppet Code or your ENC.

    include sudo
Configure Hiera YAML (defaults.yaml)

These defaults will apply to all systems.

        'source'    : 'puppet:///files/etc/sudoers.d/web'
        'content'   : '%admins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
        'priority'  : 10
        'priority'  : 60
        'source'    : 'puppet:///files/etc/sudoers.d/users/joe'
Configure Hiera YAML (production.yaml)

This will only apply to the production environment. In this example we are:

  • inheriting/preserving the web configuration
  • overriding the admins configuration
  • removing the joe configuration
  • adding the bill template
      strategy: deep
      merge_hash_arrays: true

        'content'   : "%prodadmins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
        'priority'  : 10
        'ensure'    : 'absent'
        'source'    : 'puppet:///files/etc/sudoers.d/users/joe'
        'template'  : "mymodule/bill.erb"

In this example we are:

  • inheriting/preserving the web configuration
  • overriding the admins:content setting
  • inheriting/preserving the admins:priority setting
  • inheriting/preserving the joe:source and joe:priority settings
  • removing the joe configuration
  • adding the bill template
      strategy: deep
      merge_hash_arrays: true

        'content'   : "%prodadmins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
        'ensure'    : 'absent'
        'template'  : "mymodule/bill.erb"
Override sudoers defaults

You can modify Default_Entry lines by passing a Hash to sudo::defaults, where the key is Defaults parameter name (see man 5 sudoers for more details):

      value: always
      value: "Password is wrong, please try again"
      value: 5
      value: [email protected]
Set a custom name for the sudoers file

In some edge cases, the automatically generated sudoers file name is insufficient. For example, when an application generates a sudoers file with a fixed file name, using this class with the purge option enabled will always delete the custom file and adding it manually will generate a file with the right content, but the wrong name. To solve this, you can use the sudo_file_name option to manually set the desired file name.

sudo::conf { "foreman-proxy":
	ensure          => "present",
	source          => "puppet:///modules/sudo/foreman-proxy",
	sudo_file_name  => "foreman-proxy",

sudo::conf / sudo::configs notes

  • One of content or source must be set.
  • Content may be an array, string will be added with return carriage after each element.
  • In order to properly pass a template() use template instead of content, as hiera would run template function otherwise.

sudo class parameters


sudo::conf class / sudo::configs hash parameters
