- Track earnings from bitcoin mining
- Ingest data in python
- Push to a local or remote mySQL db
- Build dashboards in Google Data Studio
- Pull data from the f2pool.com mining pool, to get earnings data for user account/s
- Pull data from CoinMarketCap to get the price of BTC:USD, to also understand earnings in $
- Pull data from blockcypher.com to get the balance of the btc wallet earning are paid into
- Python files have an option to store data on a local db, or on AWS RDS
- For the Cloud solution, Python scripts are loaded on an AWS EC2 instance, running once per day via cron to push the data into an RDS instance
- Connect the RDS db to Google Data Studio for a robust, free reporting tool
- Report is emailed daily
- Use AWS Lambda instead of EC2 to run the python scripts at lower cost
- Error handling