Instead of trying to reuse some old strings, deprecate some other strings, and
have them coexist in the same file, I have decided to deprecate the `L10n.swift`
class altogether, and create a new one called `Localization.swift`. This allows
me to remove that horrible abbreviated name, and also make a clear distinction
between old and new. With this, all new strings will just go to the
`Localizable.strings` as always, and the `Deprecated.strings` ones shouldn't be
used anymore.
This was done by adding two `.stencil` files: one that handles adding the
`@deprecated` line to the old file, and a new one that handles ignoring all
strings that start with `android`. This is because on the new way to do strings,
the Android-specific ones will start with `android.`. We could remove these from
the file, but this would be manual, some could be missed, and at the moment of
this PR, we haven't yet determined how we are going to sync these strings with
the strings in the Glia Hub.
Finally, the new `Localization.swift` file is `internal`, as opposed to
`L10n.swift` which is public. This is because these strings have changed from
being the main way to show strings in the widgets, to being a fallback. Now, the
Glia Hub will be the main way to pass strings to the widgets, so there's no need
to shoot ourselves in the foot, making this public, and then have to worry about
deprecations, as we have to do with `L10n.swift`.
With this, there's no need to have `L10n+BackwardsCompatibility.swift`, as the
new strings and the old ones are separated entities. However, I still need to
do a layer that goes between the strings and the rest of the code, for when the
strings have functionality that is not present anymore (example, placeholders
for values that now just have the direct value in the string).
In a year, we can easily remove `L10n.swift` and the associated `.stencil` file.