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Redux API Utility Library (RAUL)

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Redux API Utility Library (RAUL) is a library of higher order reducers, an API middleware, TypeScript data types, and other utility functions to make building a Redux Application involving asynchronous calls to RESTful APIs more simple.


npm i --save redux-api-utility-library

Higher Order Reducers

import { createRequestReducer } from 'redux-api-utility-library/dist/reducers'

const users = createRequestReducer('users')

Now there is a reducer created fully equipped to deal with all the standard actions dispatched by the apiMiddleware.


import { apiMiddleware } from 'redux-api-utility-library/dist/middleware'

const store = createStore(
  users: createRequestReducer('users'),

Action creators

import { createRequestAction } from 'redux-api-utility-library/dist/actions'

const action = createRequestAction('users', {
  method: 'GET',
  url: '/users',
  baseURL: '',

this action when dispatched get handled by the apiMiddleware makes the network requests equivalent to the keys passed in as the second argument.