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Local Dev environment setup:

In equicopy/ set DEBUG = True
Activate a virtual environment
Start redis-server
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
python runserver
npm run serve
Go to http://localhost:8080

To start the scheduler Run (in 2 separate terminals):

celery -A equicopy beat -s <PATH>/celerybeat-schedule
celery -A equicopy worker -l INFO

Note: The dist directory gets installed after the npm install command is run. This is required only for the production version and to use it run:

python collectstatic
gunicorn equicopy.wsgi
Go to

Deploy on Heroku:

Update the URLs present in src/App.vue to And also update the credentials in server/utils/

And instead of using celery beat the Heroku Scheduler add-on is installed. Then push to heroku or use heroku local web to test first.


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The SC_NAME queries value should always be in Upper Case. Append a * to the string to perform prefix based search. Else the string has to ben an exact match. MIN_PREFIX_LENGTH has been set to 2 (default).

You can perform the SC_NAME query according to the following rules:

To add Numeric filters, seperate the queries with a &. And the value string containing , should have no spaces. Decimal values are also allowed.

Possible Numeric filters include: [ 'OPEN', 'HIGH', 'LOW', 'CLOSE', 'LAST', 'PREVCLOSE', 'NO_TRADES', 'NO_OF_SHRS', 'NET_TURNOV', ]

Example Query:

SC_NAME: CRES* & OPEN: 0.23,78.6 & LAST: 22.1,40