I am an iOS developer with a growing interest in CloudKit. However, to be able to seriously consider CloudKit for many apps there needs to be at the very least a web site representation of the data. This allows for sharing content to users without the app installed or to users that (gasp) don't use iOS. CloudKit has a JS library that can be used to build a web ui. After looking around I couldn't find any good tutorials for this so I tried to figure something out on my own. Additionally, I figured I would take the opportunity to learn about React. So this is my first attempt at a React app using ES6 with CloudKit as the backend.
- React, Flux, and ES6 good reference for es6 compatibility.
- Flux Stores and ES6 ES6 compatible stores.
- React on ES6+ good JS / ES6 reference.
- Basic React app on ES6 good setup that I probably should have used.
- React ES6 Components
- Convert ES5 to ES6
- [CloudKitJS Reference] (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/CloudKitJS/Reference/CloudKitJavaScriptReference/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015359)
- Apple Example
Boilerplate provided by https://github.com/nicksp/redux-webpack-es6-boilerplate.git and tweaked to remove redux.
- webpack and webpack-dev-server as a client-side module builder and module loader.
- npm as a package manager and task runner (say NO to gulp/grunt).
- Babel 6 as a transpiler from ES6 to ES5.
- React and JSX as a virtual Dom JavaScript library for rendering user interfaces (views).
- ESLint as a reporter for syntax and style issues. eslint-plugin-react for additional React specific linting rules.
- Sass as a compiler of CSS styles with variables, mixins, and more.
- Mocha as a test framework.
- Chai as a BDD assertion library that works along with
- Run Apple's CloudKit catalog [example] (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/samplecode/CloudAtlas/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014599), so that this site will have something to connect to.
$ git clone <repository> app-name
$ cd app-name
$ npm install
- Edit src/js/constants/AppConstants.js to define CloudKitJS configuration
There are two ways in which you can build and run the web app:
Build once for (ready for Production):
$ npm run build
- Open
through the local webserver
Hot reloading via webpack dev server:
$ npm start
- Point your browser to http://localhost:3000/, page hot reloads automatically when there are changes
To execute all unit tests, use:
npm run test
To run unit tests continuously during development (watch tests), use:
npm run test:watch
- Remove 'CloudKit' not defined eslint error
- Better handle use of CloudKit js library
- Pagination of events
- Authentication