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The project has moved to Hyperstack!! - Rack, Opal Sprockets, OpalHotRloader, Hyperloop, NPM and Webpack development and build stack

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Hyperloop, Rack, Opal Sprockets, NPM and Webpack stack

The goal of this tutorial is to outline the setup steps required to build a Rack + Opal Sprockets + Hyperloop hot-reloading stack with all front-end JavaScript assets installed with NPM and packaged with Webpack.

This stack is perfect for building a single-page, server-less application or a Website.


A Ruby based development environment which is as good as Node.js and Webpack-dev-server.

  • Development environment - a fast, modern, development stack for building Opal based code (including Hyperloop) with a re-build on every page refresh and hot reloading. JavaScript assets via NPM and Webpack.
  • Production build - a minimized production application consisting of just two files.

This tutorial is designed for Ruby-Hyperloop, but will work just as well for any Opal based framework or for a native Opal app. To remove Hyperloop just ignore the Hyperloop specific sections.

Development environment

Rack + Opal Sprockets == Node.js + Webpack-dev-server

  • Rack as a simple, fast webserver
  • Opal Sprockets for compiling Opal code
  • OpalHotReloader for live loading and rebuilding CSS and Opal code
  • NPM and Webpack for JavaScript modules
  • Hyperloop installed as an NPM module
  • Webpack for packaging and for minifying the production build

Production build

The production output consists of just two files which can be hosted on any webserver (or just run locally in a browser)

  • index.html - minimal html rendering just one div where the application is loaded into
  • app.min.js - all JavaScript libraries, the compiled application code and all CSS

The final application build (which includes all of Hyperloop, Opal JQuery and Opal Core Extensions) is just 185kb gzipped.


Please ensure you have NPM installed (if you are using OSX, consider installing with Brew as it works very well).

Next we will install a global version of Webpack so we can access it from the command line:

$ npm install webpack -g

Check that both NPM and Webpack are installed:

$ npm -v

$ webpack -v

Add webpack installed location into $NODE_PATH, if you are using OSX or linux, just add global node_modules directory into $NODE_PATH in your's $HOME/.bashrc, following is a example:

echo 'export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:/home/zw963/utils/node/lib/node_modules' >> ~/.bashrc

Next we will use NPM to install our JavaScript libraries:

$ npm install ruby-hyperloop --save

After a considerable amount of downloading, you will find you now have a node_modules folder which contains all the JS libraries that Webpack will use. This folder is Git ignored. The packages you install are recorded in the package.json file.

Finally we will install the Gems:

$ bundle install

All done. Everything should be installed and we are ready to start up the development environment.

Try it out

First we need to build our static assets:

$ rake build

Then start the webserver:

$ foreman start

And navigate to http://localhost:9292/

To test the hot-reloading, make a change to the sample component in app/components/hello_world.rb and you should see your changes live in your browser. If so then everything is working. Hooray!

Development environment

This next section details all the important aspects of the development environment.

Summary of how it works:

  • Webpack packages the NPM modules required in client.js and builds build/bundle.js
  • When a page is requested from Rack, Opal Sprockets compiles the missing JavaScript files (application.js, opal.js and reload.js)
  • OpalHotReloader watches for changes to the Ruby code and CSS in the app folder and recompiles when needed

Installing Gems and JavaScript libraries

Gems are specified in the Gemfile and JavaScript libraries in package.json.

The concepts are synonymous:

  • Gemfile - specifies all the Gems you want installed and bundle install gets all the Gems you have specified in your Gemfile
  • package.json - specifies all the JS libraries you want installed and npm install gets all the JS libraries you have specified in your package.json

Node modules (JavaScript libraries) are downloaded from and stored in your node_modules folder.

This folder should be gitignored and never included in your project. Webpack uses the contents of this folder to package the functions the application requires.

To add a new NPM module, you can type npm add LIB-NAME --save or simply modify your package.json.

The steps above simply download the source of the Gem or JS library to your computer. To include them in the build process you will need to also follow the steps below.

Compiling Ruby code

Any source that you require in application.js.rb will be compiled into JavaScript by Opal. If you require a component that requires other components they will be compiled as well. Keep an eye on the size of the output file build/application.js as it can become large if you are not careful. Ensure that you only require what you need.

Notice how app/application.js.rb includes the contents of folders with require_tree './folder_name'. This allows you to structure your source code nicely as we have done with components and stores.

# app/application.js.rb
require_tree './components'
require_tree './stores'

As we are building a Hyperloop single-page application, we only want this library to render our top-level Component into the div with ID #site (found in index.html) when the page is fully loaded.

# app/application.js.rb
Document.ready? do
  Element['#site'].render{ HelloWorld() }

See the build task in the Rakefile. You will notice that we are compiling application.js and reload.js separately so we can include just the code we need in the final build. You can use this pattern to compile any Opal code into a JavaScript output file.

# Rakefile
File.binwrite 'build/application.js','application').to_s

Requiring JavaScript libraries

Once you have downloaded a JavaScript library via NPM you will need to tell Webpack that you require it in your output package. This step is necessary to include the library in your project.

In webpack.config.js we specify that there is just one input file client.js and one output file build/bundle.js:

// webpack.config.js
entry: ['./client.js'],
output: {
  path: BUILD_DIR,
  filename: 'bundle.js'

In client.js we require the JavaScript libraries we want. For example, to include the Hyperloop code:

// client.js

Any library you add through NPM must be required in this way. Keep an eye on the size of build/bundle.js as this can quickly become very large indeed. Only require what you need.

To package our JavaScript libraries we run webpack which will read its configuration from webpack.config.js by default.

$ webpack

Note that this step is preformed in our build rake task. (sh 'webpack --progress').


CSS will come into your project from two sources: CSS you add in the app/css folder and CSS from JavaScript libraries you add through Webpack.

To add a new CSS file:

  • Create the file in app/css
  • Add it to app/index.html.erb (we only need it gere for development)
  • Require it in client.js - this will ensure that Webpack will package it properly for your distribution build
// client.js


In the previous sections, we have seen how we build our Opal code how Webpack packages the NPM modules. All of these files are brought together in index.html.erb which is only used for development. In production we have a different index.html as all the JavaScript libs are packaged.

Take a look at index.html.erb', it's javascript consists of three parts:

  1. CDN versions of javascript, the purpose is to keep the final output as small as possible. link
  2. Javscripts used only for development and HotLoading working. link link link
  3. Javascipts need bundled into final output js for your distribution build. link


OpalHotReloader has a server component which watches for changes and re-compiles code and a client component which dynamically reloads the JavaScript.

The client code comes in through reload.js and the server process is started by Foreman.


We are using Rack as the webserver which is configured in

run { |server|
  server.main = 'application'
  server.append_path 'app'
  server.index_path = './app/index.html.erb'

When we start Rack we also need to start the opal-hot-reloader process so we specify this in Procfile

# Procfile
rackup: bundle exec rackup
hotloader: bundle exec opal-hot-reloader -p 25222 -d app

Foreman reads Procfile and allows us to start both processes with:

$ foreman start

Production build

The production process differs from the development environment in that we combine the Opal built and Webpack packaged JS libraries and all CSS into one file app.min.js.

Additionally we use Webpack to minimise and uglify the output JavaScript.

To build the production version run the Rake task:

$ rake dist

That's it. Two files - index.html, app.min.js make up the whole application which includes all of Hyperloop, Opal JQuery and Opal Core Extensions and is just 185kb gzipped.

How it works

The dist rake task simply runs Webpack with different options:

# Rakefile
webpack --config=dist.config.js --progress -p

The -p flag instructs Webpack we are building the production version so it will automatically optomize our output. The --config flag specifies the config file to use.

The key difference with this config over the development config is that we have two input files. These two files will be combined into one output.

// dist.config.js
entry: ['./client.js', './build/application.js'],

And of course we specify a different output file and folder:

// dist.config.js
var BUILD_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist');

output: {
  path: BUILD_DIR,
  filename: 'app.min.js'


The project has moved to Hyperstack!! - Rack, Opal Sprockets, OpalHotRloader, Hyperloop, NPM and Webpack development and build stack






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