Oculus Space is a WebGL demo using both the Oculus Rift (optional, with oculus-bridge installed) and a smartphone as a gyroscopic motion controller. It was created in 24 hours for #HackThat in Providence, RI.
Go to http://oculus-space.herokuapp.com to see it in action. You'll need a WebGL-capable browser (try Chrome), plus an iPhone to control your spaceship by tilting left, right, forwards, and backwards. (I hope to add Android support soon, but didn't have an Android device to test on during initial development.)
- sudo npm install -g supervisor
- sudo npm install -g coffee-script
- sudo supervisor app.coffee
- coffee -c -w assets/
Built by @rofreg for the HackThat hackathon, November 2013. Music is "Spacefighter" by cerror. Ship texture by FrostBo. Code is heavily based on the OculusBridge first-person example. Smartphone socket code somewhat adapted from Thumb War, a previous hackathon project.
Oculus Space is released under a dual license. You may choose either the GPL or MIT license, depending on the project you are using it in and how you wish to use it. Have fun!