Each folder contains a Makefile with some options:
- option run runs the python script
- option pep8 formats the python scripts to be PEP8 compliant (more here)
- option clean removes any script generated files (results, images, etc.)
- some folders contain a test option for testing purposes, this indicates algorithms to take as input less data (1000 documents) to run faster
- requirements.txt file contains all needed packages to run these python scripts (e.g. "pip install -r requirements.txt")
- in the classification folder, classifiers.py file needs a python command to be executed before running ( "import nltk;nltk.download('punkt')" - see lines 212, 213)
- Makefiles assume that a folder named "datasets" exists here, with data files "test_set.csv" and "train_set.csv"
- for Ubuntu/Linux users packages python-dev and python-tk are required