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Feature Implementation

Sean edited this page Jun 4, 2014 · 5 revisions

Things that have to get done to get 0.01a out the door (or however we name them)

  • Gameplay
    • UI
    • browsing or towers and skills
    • menus that look better
    • skill buttons w/ cooldown
    • bars for stats
    • numbers for hits
    • healthbars?
    • persistence
    • saving of progression
    • save / load of levels
    • director / events
    • resources awarded to players via events
    • spawning math
    • cost of towers calculation
    • Mechanics
    • skill system - component to store skills and cooldowns - state information management w/ animations and whatnot - effect weapon separation - stock skills to get a full working character - modifications of stats on character
    • Towers - restictions on placement - controller support - menu system - combat w/
    • character - management of stats with temporary modifiers - life and death respawn system
  • Engine
  • physics - quadtree overhaul
  • graphics - shaders - animation update
  • editors - particle editor - level editor
  • world - level load / save