An implementation of libresample
as a Flutter plugin using dart:ffi
Firstly, import the package:
import 'package:libresample_flutter/libresample_flutter.dart';
You don't need to interact with the plugin class directly.
(All its members are private anyway.) Instead, use the Dart wrapper classes
or ResamplerStream
// create a 2:1 upsampler
var resampler = Resampler(true, 2, 2);
// process a block of 160 floats
resampler.process(2, Float32List(160), false);
// etc
// process the last block of 160 floats
resampler.process(2, Float32List(160), true);
// and free the native resources
// create a resampler node upsampling from 16kHz to the native sound card rate
// and set its input to a previous processing block's output iterator
var upsamplerStream = ResamplerStream(nativeRate / 16000.0, true)
// and grab its iterator for use by the next block
// (in the case of the ressmpler, the next block is typically the sound card,
// perhaps using the companion project audio_worklet
stream = upsamplerStream.getOutputStream().iterator;
See audio_worklet fo the companion project.