A custom built IDE designed designed to translate natural language to code using speech recognition, context free grammars, and recursive decent parsing all stored on a realtime database.
Uses Firebase Realtime Database and Google Speech Recognition API
Ethan Young & Henry Schneider
- Implemented speech recognition machine learning library
- Pre-formatted strings to put in proper format for the phrase parser
- Developed Custom IDE from scratch that was capable of running python
- Integrated subcomponents with Google Cloud Firebase to pass data between components
- Developed Interpreter from pre-formatted strings to recursive object representations for easy access to code.
- Developed Interpreter from objects to python syntax using recursive decent parsing.
We wanted to create a platform for voice to code that is actually useful and efficient for developers. Voice to text applications already exist, but their usefullness is questionable at best, and a gimmick at worst. We are building something in between the fun gimmicks of saying "create a ball that bounces" that will create the code for a functioning bouncing ball on the screen, and the frustratingly explicit "for int i equals 0, i less than 10, i++" to create a for loop.
Our target customer is a real developer that wants to focus on the high-level design of their code rather than the low-level syntax.
- talking should feel conversational
- you should be able to be very specific and get specific results, or very general and get general results
- the IDE should always know what you're talking about (know the scope of everything)
- you should be able to acces your code from any laptop/desktop/mobile device
Next steps:
- Create dataset for speech to psuedo code AI training
- Create a more robust interpreter
- Improve speech recognition
- Improve IDE functionality and UI/UX
- Add support for mobile devices
- Add support for user accounts
The first step is to get speech to text data and clean the data into a standardized format. Then, this cleaned data is passed to an interpreteter that creates python objects based on the data received. These objects are stored and accessible in two ways: by line for easy navigation, and by a recursive tree structure for easy manipulation. Next, these objects are parsed into python syntax and sent to the IDE to be printed.
Data Pipeline
Speech recognition -> database input -> Interpret input to objects -> Parse objects to code -> databse output -> custom IDE
Speech Recognition
- Utilize the python speech recognition library and the google recognition engine to process phrases from the user
- Send each string phrase to the data base input
- put your more in depth description here
Text to Code
- Tokenize text in the input field of database
- Parse tokens into python objects that store all data related to the feature
- store names, values, parent, children, scope, etc.
- Interpret python objects into proper python syntax
- Recursive decent parsing to parse objects to line by line code with all proper formatting, indentation, etc.
- Send map of key value pairs (line_number: formatted_text) to the output field of the databse
Custom IDE
- Event listener listens to changes in output data from database
- outputs line by line into our custom IDE
- custom IDE is a ptyhon application with custom functions that can open, run, and save files
- listens for RUN command where python code is compiled and ran