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add moe design
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jessicazhongeee committed Oct 24, 2024
1 parent dc0591c commit ecd8e5f
Showing 1 changed file with 207 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
# [RFC] MOE design in Torchtune

## Background
This RFC proposes adding the MOE support in Torchtune. We want to design in a general way so that components can be easily swapped when implementing different MOE models. An MOE layer directly replaces the dense FFN layer in the transformer decoder layer and has two main components: router and experts.

## Expert
An expert is essentially an FFN layer similar to the original dense FFN layer in the transformer decoder layer. There are two kinds of experts: routed experts and shared experts. Each expert in the routed experts specializes in learning certain patterns/aspects, and only part of the routed experts will be activated. On the other hand, shared experts are always activated, aiming at capturing and consolidating common knowledge across varying contexts.

**Here's the proposed Experts design in torchtune:**
class Experts(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out, nonlinearity, num_experts=1, swiglu=True):
self.gate_proj = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_experts, dim_in, dim_out))
self.down_proj = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_experts, dim_out, dim_in))
if swiglu:
self.up_proj = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_experts, dim_in, dim_out))
self.act_fn = F.silu()
self.up_proj = None
self.act_fn = nonlinearity

def forward(self, x):
x = x.view(num_experts, -1, dim_in)
h = self.act_fn(torch.bmm(x, self.gate_proj))
if self.up_proj is not None:
h = h * torch.bmm(x, self.up_proj)
h = torch.bmm(x, self.down_proj).view(-1, dim_in)
return h

# Routed Experts(num_experts)
def moe_experts(hidden_dim, model_dim, num_experts, swiglu, nonlinearity) -> FeedForward:
return Experts(dim_in=hidden_dim, dim_out=model_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_experts=num_experts, swiglu=swiglu)

# Shared expert(single)
def moe_expert(hidden_dim, model_dim, swiglu, nonlinearity) -> FeedForward:
return Experts(dim_in=hidden_dim, dim_out=model_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_experts=1, swiglu=swiglu)

# For example, the Mixtral expert could be implemented like this
def mixtral_expert(hidden_dim, model_dim, nonlinearity) -> FeedForward:
return Experts(dim_in=hidden_dim, dim_out=model_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_experts=1, swiglu=True)


## Router and Moe Layer
Router is a gating network that calculates router scores and learns token-to-expert affinity, and an MOE layer consists of experts and routers. There are two types of routing: token choice routing and expert choice routing.

Mixtral uses *token choice* topK routing, which means each token will select its topK experts. The router is implemented through a learnable gate function, whose outputs will go through softmax and topK. The TokenChoiceMoeLayer class then defines how tokens select experts based on router scores.

**Here's the proposed Token Choice Routing and TokenChoiceMoeLayer design in torchtune:**
class TokenChoiceTopKRouter(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_dim, num_experts, experts_per_token):
self.gate = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, num_experts)
self.experts_per_token = experts_per_token

def forward(self, x):
x shape [bs*slen, hidden_dim]
top_scores shape [bs*slen, experts_per_token]
top_indices shape [bs*slen, experts_per_token]
# scores shape [bs*slen, num_experts]
scores = self.gate(x)
scores = F.softmax(scores, dim=1)
top_scores, top_indices = torch.topk(scores, k=self.experts_per_token, dim=1)
top_scores /= top_scores.sum(dim=-1, keep_dim=True).to(x.dtype)
return top_scores, top_indices

# For example, Mixtral uses TokenChoiceMoeLayer
class TokenChoiceMoeLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.experts = nn.ModuleList(moe_expert() for _ in range(num_experts))
self.router = TokenChoiceTopKRouter(hidden_dim, num_experts, experts_per_token)

def forward(self, x):
# x shape [bs*slen, hidden_dim]
# router scores/indices shape [bs*slen, experts_per_token]
top_scores, selected_experts_indices = self.router(x)

# expert_mask shape [num_experts, experts_per_token, bs*slen]
expert_mask = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(selected_experts_indices, num_class=num_experts).permute(2,1,0)
out = torch.zeros((batch_size * seq_len, hidden_dim))
for i in range(num_experts):
expert = self.experts[i]
expert_idx, token_idx = torch.where(expert_mask[i])
# compute hidden state for the each selected expert and multiply by the routing weights
hidden_states = expert(x[token_idx]) * top_scores[token_idx, expert_idx]
out.index_add_(0, token_idx, hidden_states)
return out

However, token choice routing has several pitfalls according to the expert choice [paper](
1. Poor load balance. Experts can become under or over-specialized. Load imbalance can hurt step latency / inference time.
2. Experts under specialization. Ideally the gating network will learn token-to-expert affinity such that similar or relevant tokens are routed to the same expert. However, a sub-optimal strategy can produce redundant experts and/or experts that are not sufficiently specialized.
3. Same compute for each token. Token choice will allocate a fixed number of experts to each token regardless of the importance of different tokens. Ideally an MOE model should flexibly allocate compute resources based on the complexity of the input.

Compared to **token choice**, **expert choice** topK routing lets experts select its top-k tokens. The ExpertChoiceMoeLayer class routes input tokens to different experts based on the routing algorithm, processes them through the experts and the shared expert, and then combines the output.

**Here's the proposed Expert Choice Routing and ExpertChoiceMoeLayer design in torchtune:**
class ExpertChoiceTopKRouter(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_dim, num_experts):
self.gate = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, num_experts)
self.tokens_per_expert = tokens_per_expert

def forward(self, x):
x shape [bs*slen, hidden_dim]
top_scores shape [num_experts, tokens_per_expert]
top_indices shape [num_experts, tokens_per_expert]
# scores shape [num_experts, bs*slen]
scores = self.gate(x).transpose(0,1)
scores = F.softmax(, dim=0).to(scores.dtype)
# [num_experts, tokens_per_expert]
top_scores, top_indices = torch.topk(scores, k=self.tokens_per_expert, dim=1)
return top_scores, top_indices

class ExpertChoiceMoeLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.experts = moe_experts(hidden_dim, model_dim, num_experts)
self.shared_expert = moe_shared_expert(hidden_dim, model_dim)
self.router = ExpertChoiceTopKRouter(hidden_dim, num_experts, tokens_per_expert)

def forward(self, x):
# x shape [bs*slen, hidden_dim]
# router scores/indices shape [num_experts, tokens_per_expert]
top_scores, top_indices = self.router(x)
# apply the token preprocess function and then run experts forward
top_indices_expanded = top_indices.reshape(-1, 1).expand(-1, D)
# routed input shape [num_experts*tokens_per_expert, hidden_dim]
routed_input = torch.gather(x, dim=0, index=top_indices_expanded)
routed_input = routed_input * top_scores.reshape(-1, 1)
# routed output shape [num_experts*tokens_per_expert, hidden_dim]
routed_output = self.experts(routed_input)

# shared expert
if use_shared_expert:
out = self.shared_expert(x)
out = torch.zeros_like(x)

# add experts output = scatter_add_(
# [bs*slen, hidden_dim],
# [num_experts*tokens_per_expert, hidden_dim]
# [num_experts*tokens_per_expert, hidden_dim]
return out

## Model builder
Besides the above components: experts, routers, and MOE layers, we would need a model builder to pull all pieces together to form the Transformer decoder layer and then Transformer decoder:

**Here's the proposed MOE model builder design in torchtune:**
def moe(...) -> TransformerDecoder:
# Build the decoder associated with the moe model. This includes
# - Token embeddings
# - num_layers number of TransfomerDecoderLayer block
# - RMS Norm layer applied to the ouput of the transfomer
# - Final projection into the token space'
token_embeddings = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_dim)
self_attn = MultiHeadAttention()
moe_layer = ExpertsChoiceMoeLayer() # or TokenChoiceMoeLayer()
norm = RMSNorm(dim=embed_dim)
layer = TransformerSelfAttentionLayer(attn=self_attn, mlp=moe_layer, sa_norm=norm, mlp_norm=norm)
output_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, vocab_size)
return TransformerDecoder(

**File changes for new modules/functions**

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