Higher-order Redux is a utility belt for Redux that makes heavy use of higher-order reducers to provide:
- Reduced boilerplate 🔩
- Increased modularity 📦
- Development speedup 🚄
Oh, btw... Higher-order reducer is a function that takes a reducer argument and returns a new reducer:
HigherOrderReducer<State, Action> = (innerReducer: Reducer<State, Action>): Reducer<State, Action>
yarn add redux-hor
Here's a standard reducer that we all know an love:
export default function reducer (state = initialState, action) {
if (action.type === 'UPDATE_AUTHOR') {
return {
author: action.payload
return state
Compare it with HoR style:
import { compose, withActionType, withInitialState, mergeState, identity } from 'redux-hor'
export compose(
onAction('UPDATE_AUTHOR', () => merge({ author: action.payload }))