An Example SPA written in React/Redux with backend Rails API:
- Brunch is used to compile SPA code in frontend folder to Rails asset pipeline.
- karma is used to run frontend tests
- Rspec used for rails tests
- Jasmine used for frontend tests
1- Install required gems
bundle install
2- Configure the database
In case there is a running MySQL instance edit config/database.yml to reflect the MySQL server credentials.
In case you have docker installed and don't have mysql the following command will create a dockerized MySQL server for the purpose of developing/testing the application
docker-compose up -d db
3- Install frontend requirements
cd frontend
npm install
npm install -g brunch
npm install -g karma
In the Code directory run:
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
In the Code directory run:
rails s
If you want to modify the javscript code in the frontend folder run:
brunch watch
- Rspec
In the code directory run:
bundle exec guard
- Jasmine
in the frontend folder
karama start
in coverage/
in frontend/coverage