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[ICML 2024] Selecting High-Quality Data for Training Language Models

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QuRating: Selecting High-Quality Data for Training Language Models

This is the official repository for our ICML'24 paper QuRating: Selecting High-Quality Data for Training Language Models and contains code for (1) collecting LLM quality judgments (2) training QuRater models (3) selecting and sampling data (4) training LMs (5) reproducing the analysis in the paper (in-progress).

Guidance on Responsible Use

In the paper, we document various types of bias that are present in the quality ratings/QuRater model (biases related to domains, topics, social roles, regions and languages - see Section 6 of the paper). Hence, be aware that data selection with QuRating could have unintended and harmful effects on the language model that is being trained. We strongly recommend a comprehensive evaluation of the language model for these and other types of bias, particularly before real-world deployment. We hope that releasing the data/models can facilitate future research aimed at uncovering and mitigating such biases. Note that the quality ratings do not measure the social or literary value of a text and should not be used for textual or demographic studies.



‼️ The QuRater model fine-tuned from ShearedLlama-1.3B can be found at princeton-nlp/QuRater-1.3B on HuggingFace hub ‼️

Language Models

We train 1.3B language models on 30B tokens selected from 260B tokens using different data selection methods. All 30 models from our experiments can be found on HuggingFace hub:


Installing the Repo

Clone this repo and setup a new environment based on python 3.9. Install the requirements in the following order:

pip install packaging==23.2
pip install torch==2.1.1 torchaudio==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1
pip install -r requirements.txt

Collecting Judgment Data

The scripts prompting/ and prompting/ can be used to collect pairwise and individual judgments, respectively. Both scripts operate on huggingface datasets containing documents. The folder prompting/templates/ contains the templates used in the paper. Example usage:

python prompting/ <input path> <output path> \
    -n 1000 -k 2 \
    --model gpt-3.5-turbo \
    --template_file prompting/templates/pairwise_educational_value.txt \
    --tokens_min 256 --tokens_max 512 --probability_tokens_max 0.5 \
    --text_field text

This selects the first 1000 documents in the input dataset and creates 500 adjacent pairs of documents, which will be compared using gpt-3.5-turbo (the different configurations can be found in prompting/ The output dataset will be stored as <output path>.

QuRater Training

Run to train the QuRater models. You can override the default hyperparameters by setting environment variables (see for more details), e.g.:

BSZ=512 SEQ=4 ./

SEQ is the number of sequences per device in each forward pass and should as large as hardware allows. The script automatically detects the number of GPUs and uses gradient accumulation to achieve a total batch size BSZ. By default the script downloads the ShearedLlama-1.3B and QuRating-GPT3.5-Judgments dataset from huggingface hub.

Annotating Data with Quality Ratings takes a dataset and a QuRater model and adds new columns to the dataset for the quality ratings. Example usage for jsonl documents with a text column ({"text": "..."}):

python -m data_tools.qurater_annotate json <output path for annotated dataset> \
    -F <path to jsonl files> \
    -M princeton-nlp/QuRater-1.3B \
    --text_field text
    --labels writing_style required_expertise facts_and_trivia educational_value

The resulting dataset can be inspected via huggingface datasets via datasets.load_from_disk(...) and will contain additional columns like writing_style_chunks (segment-level quality ratings) and writing_style_average (document-level average) for each of the four criteria, similar to the extra columns in QuRatedPajama-260B. The order of these labels in the argument list corresponds to their head index of the QuRater model.

Selecting Data by Quality Ratings loads input datasets, and perform top-k selection or sampling by treating a column as logits. It selects data until a token budget is reached and requires that the dataset contains a column with number of tokens per entry. Here's an example use-case for selecting 1B tokens according to the educational_value_average field with temperature 2.0:

python -m data_tools.select_subset <path to annotated dataset> <output path for subset> \
    --metric_field educational_value_average \
    --seq_len_field <column name for sequence lengths> \
    --tokens 1_000_000_000 \
    --temperature 2.0 \
    --normalize \
    --num_workers 8

where --normalize normalizes the mean/std of the metric over the training set. If your data has a domain field, you can select a proportional number of examples from each domain by adding --domain_field <column name for domain string>. This scripts writes multiple local HF datasets under the output path (useful for large datasets). They can all be read via datasets.concatenate_datasets([datasetes.load_from_disk(ds) for ds in sorted(glob.glob("<output path>/*"))])

Language Model Training

Run to train language models:

DATASET=<path to dataset> BSZ=2048 SEQ=8 ./

The dataset path is a local path to a huggingface dataset saved to disk. The dataset needs to have a column, input_ids, containing sequences of tokenized text, chunked to the desired maximum sequence length. We provide a script data_tools/ to tokenize and chunk text datasets. Note that the training script is only compatible with Llama architectures. Please refer to to see more options for hyperparameters.

Curriculum training can be enabled by sorting the data according to another column of the dataset:

DATASET=<path to dataset> ./ --ordered --sort_by <column name> [--reverse_sort]

where --ordered means that the data is trained on in the same order as found in the dataset rather than randomly shuffled.


   title={{QuRating}: Selecting High-Quality Data for Training Language Models},
   author={Wettig, Alexander and Gupta, Aatmik and Malik, Saumya and Chen, Danqi},
   booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},