is a Predix UI component which defines a data table, optionally using a sub-element for advanced column settings.
- node.js
- npm
- bower
- webcomponents-lite.js polyfill
Node, npm and bower are necessary to install the component and dependencies. webcomponents.js adds support for web components and custom elements to your application.
First, install the component via bower on the command line.
bower install https://github.com/predixdesignsystem/px-data-table.git --save
Second, import the component to your application with the following tag in your head.
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/px-data-table/px-data-table.html"/>
Finally, use the component in your application:
Minimum - Client-Side Sort/Filter/Pagination:
Minimum - Server-Side Sort/Filter/Pagination:
There are two main paradigms for the source of data in a table.
In a Client-Side model, the browser makes one request for the complete set of data. This means that sorting, filtering, and pagination all happen in memory on the client. While this produces snappy tables with reasonably sized data sets, it can lead to a sluggish UI for larger data sets. This works great with data sets that don't change frequently, since the full payload would have to be resent for every update.
In a Server-Side model, the browser makes a request for a subset of data for a particular page. Sorting, filtering, and pagination requests will have to be made to a service for a new subset of data that matches the user's intended criteria. This prevents the browser from being overwhelmed with excessively large data sets by only exposing one page's worth of data at a time. This is ideal for larger data sets or where it is preferable to make multiple small requests instead of fewer larger requests. Due to the increased frequency of requests, the UI is more likely to display data in sync with the server.
For more details and complex examples: Client-Side Data Reference
For more details and complex examples: Server-Side Data Reference
You may not be able to use 2-way binding with the objects/arrays in other frameworks such as Angular.
We suggest instead to use events and selectors, for example:
document.getElementById("myDataTable").addEventListener("px-row-click", function(e) {
document.getElementById("myDataTable").addEventListener("px-select-all-click", function(e) {
$scope.doSomethingWithSelectedRows = function() {
$scope.allSelectedRows = document.getElementById("myDataTable").selectedRows;
You may also want to prevent your data from auto-synching with your model. If so, we've written up a [little explanation] to help you with that.
Read the full API and view the demo here.
From the component's directory...
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp sass
From the component's directory, to start a local server run:
$ gulp serve
The root of that server (e.g. http://localhost:8080/) will automatically open in your default browser with the API documentation page and interactive working examples.
gulp serve
also runs gulp watch
concurrently so that when you make a change to your source files and save them, your preview will be updated in any browsers you have opened and turned on in LiveReload.
Please use Github Issues to submit any bugs you might find.