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overlay images and text on a video from csv and ffmpeg script


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overlay images and text on a video from a data csv and an ffmpeg powering script


  • sudo apt-get install ffmpeg python python-pip python-urllib3
  • sudo pip install boto beautifulsoup
  • a valid config file, defined below
  • a valid script file in the materials folder, described below
  • a valid data definition file in the materials folder, described below
  • a valid data file in the materials folder, described below
  • a source movie in the materials folder
  • optionally, an html template in the materials folder
  • optionally, fonts for ffmpeg to use, in the materials folder

Running the transcoder

There are two ways to kick off the tool,

1.) from the cli

./ s3_bucket/path/to/config.json
./ -local
./ -help
  • -local won't down or upload anything, so
    • all supporting files are assumed to be in place already, with a ./config.json file, and all materials under ./materials/
    • local files won't be deleted, they'll be left in ./outputs/. Any files with non-unique names will be overwritten in this mode
    • local logs won't be deleted

2.) or falling back to user_data set at ec2 launch time which only supports the bucket config option, so your user data would look like :: s3_bucket/path/to/config.json

Supporting files

  • :: renders a valid json config file from code
  • :: renders a valid json script file from code

Running as a render farm

The application has been designed to run on ec2 as a render farm to reduce total render time. To make the process parallelisable on n machines, follow these steps

1.) Create a matching data.defintion file for your data csv file

2.) Create a working script file

3.) Prove it works how you want, maybe by setting config._max_rows = 1

4.) Partition your data files into n seperate files, eg. data1.csv, data2.csv, data3.csv

5.) Set config._terminate_on_completion = true

6.) Copy the config file n times, keeping it all the same as the original one, except pointing the config._data_file at a matching csv file

  • config1.json -> _data_file = data1.csv
  • config2.json -> _data_file = data2.csv
  • etc

7.) Launch n ec2 instances, each with user_data pointing at its own config.json file

File Definitions

The JSON Config File

	"_create_html": true,
	"_create_movie": true, 
	"_create_snapshot": true, 
    "_data_file": "sample.csv", 
    "_data_definition_file": "data.definition", 
    "_data_has_headers": true, 
    "_data_seperator": "|", 
    "_html_output_file": "index.html", 
    "_html_template": "template.html", 
    "_iframe_template": "iframe-template.html", 
    "_iframe_output_file": "iframe-index.html", 
    "_max_rows": 10, 
    "_s3_destination": "your_bucket_name/path/%_A_Token_%", 
    "_s3_logs": "your_bucket_name/video_render_logs", 
    "_s3_materials": "your_bucket_name/config/materials", 
    "_script_file": "template.json", 
    "_terminate_on_completion": false
  • _create_html :: do we want an html file generated
  • _create_movie :: do we want a movie created
  • _create_snapshot :: do we want a snapshot created. Requires movie creation
  • _data_file :: the file in the materials folder to get our data from
  • _data_defintion_file :: the file in the materials folder that defines the tokens to swap for data for each row
  • _data_has_headers :: do we skip the first data row because it's got headers
  • _data_seperator :: sets if it's comma, tab or pipe seperated data
  • _html_output_file :: the name of the generated html file. Tokens are replaced
  • _html_template :: the name of the html template file. Tokens are replaced
  • _iframe_template :: the name of the iframe template for twitter etc. Tokens are replaced
  • _iframe_output_file :: the name of the generated iframe file. Tokens are replaced
  • _max_rows :: how much data to process, zero means all
  • _s3_destination :: where to upload all cretaed assets to. Tokens are replaced
  • _s3_logs :: where to upload the log file to. If empty it becomes s3_materials bucket /video_render_logs/
  • _s3_materials :: where to get all the materials from. Downloaded to ./materials/
  • _script_file :: JSON file describing what to draw, when and where
  • _terminate_on_completion :: should the ec2 box suicide when done

The Data File - Required always

This is a csv, seperated by

  • comma
  • tab
  • pipe It can have headers, skipable by setting _data_has_headers to true in the config file

The Data Definition File - Required always

This is a csv file, comma seperated, containing the list of tokens in the same order as the data columns. The column count must match the _data_file column count. Tokens will be swapped for data for each row in the html template file, and in the script file for content and font file paths. There is a magic token appended to the end of this list, and every data row, %_CWD_%, which is the current directory, so paths can be fully qualified to the ./materials/ directory for fonts etc, as required by FFMPEG.

The Script File - Required always

    "_destination_movie": "%_A_Token_%", 
    "_output_path_prefix": "", 
    "_image_objects": [], 
    "_input_flags": "-strict -2", 
    "_output_encoders": [
			"_extension": "mp4", 
			"_flags": "-profile:v main -level 3.1 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 -threads 8"
			"_extension": "webm", 
			"_flags": "-c:v libvpx -quality good -cpu-used 5 -qmin 10 -qmax 42 -crf 18 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -threads 8"
    "_snapshot_name": "%_A_Token_%.png", 
    "_snapshot_timestamp": "00:00:03.123", 
    "_source_movie": "%_CWD_%/materials/source.mp4", 
    "_text_objects": [
            "_alpha": 1.0, 
            "_border_colour": "black", 
            "_border_width": 0, 
            "_box": {
                "_border_width": 3, 
                "_colour": "0000AA99", 
                "_enabled": false, 
                "_opacity": 1.0
            "_clean_content": true, 
            "_content": "A message %_A_Token_%", 
            "_fallback_content": "", 
            "_content_dirty": true, 
            "_content_max_length": 0, 
            "_drop_shadow": {
                "_colour": "black", 
                "_x": 0, 
                "_y": 0
            "_fix_bounds": true, 
            "_font": {
                "_alpha": 1.0, 
                "_colour": "black", 
                "_family": null, 
                "_file": "%_CWD_%/materials/path/to/your_font.ttf", 
                "_size": 80
            "_frame_from": 0, 
            "_frame_to": 97, 
            "_line_max_length": 50, 
            "_object_type": "drawtext", 
            "_x": "right-50", 
            "_y": 169.99
  • _destination_movie :: the name of the movie to render. No suffix as that is determined by each _output_encoders. Tokens are replaced.
  • _output_path_prefix :: where to write the data to locally
  • _input_flags :: any pre-processing flags, determined by the source movie
  • _output_encoders :: a list of options setting the extension and flags to encode to
  • _snapshot_name :: the name of the snapshot to create. Tokens are replaced.
  • _snapshot_timestamp :: When in the movie to take the snapshot from
  • _source_movie :: the source movie
  • _text_objects :: a list of drawable objects
    • _alpha :: the text alpha value
    • _border_colour :: border colour if width set around the text
    • _border_width :: width of the border. 0 = no border
    • _box :: if we draw a box around the text, this defines it
    • _clean_content :: should we strip html tags etc
    • _content :: the content to render. Tokens are replaced
    • _fallback_content :: what to render if there is no _content
    • _content_max_length :: truncate to this length if we exceed. Zero means no truncate
    • _drop_shadow :: if we draw a drop shadow this defines it
    • _fix_bounds :: if true we try and force text to stay on the screen
    • _font :: this defines the font to use. _file tokens are replaced. ie. %_CWD_%/materials/path/to/font.ttf
    • _frame_from :: when does the text appear
    • _frame_to :: when does the text disappear
    • _line_length_max :: split to new line if we exceed this length. Don't split on zero
    • _x :: the x coord to draw from. origin (0, 0) is top left
      • magic values are left, center, right and can be combined with pixels. ie. right - 50
    • _y :: the y coord to draw from. origin (0, 0) is top left
      • magic values are top, middle, bottom and can be combined with pixels. ie. middle - 20


overlay images and text on a video from csv and ffmpeg script







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