Is a very tiny proof of concept of a twittertimes or paperli clone. Looking for someone to participate on the project.
It basically helps you to aggregate all of your twitter stream into a nice newspaper. the TwitterZeit.
- Friends = People a user follows on twitter
- Followers = People that follow a user on twitter
- Ties = Friends or Follower connections on twitter
- Strong Ties = Users that interacted with the @ sign a lot have stronger ties.
- Retweets = People forwarding a tweet to their readers
- Get all the strong ties [see granovetter] a user has on twitter.
- Get the users friends and their friends and compute a so called egonetwork for a user. That is the connection between the user and his friends, but also inbetween the friends
- Get all the tweets of the people a user is following on twitter.
- Filter out only the tweets that contain a link.
- Get all the retweets for the remaining tweets
- Calculate the total values for the Tweets: a)Calculate a recency value for the remaining tweets The more recent a tweet is in comparison to the other tweets the higher the value Max = 1 b)Calculate a retweet value The more often a tweet has been retweeted the higher the value Max = 1 c)Calculate the friendship value If the connection to the person the tweet is coming from is strong then it has a higher value Max = 1 d)Calculate the authority value The more central the person is in your egonetwork (opinion leader) the higher the value Max = 1
- Add up all scores (Alternatively multiply them)
- Take the top 20 Tweets with the highest scores.
- Extract the content [Title, Body, Images..] from the websites behind the links and present it in a nice way
- I am using the infochimps API to get the strong connections between users
- I am using the Twitter API to get the tweets and the retweets for a user, also the friends connections
- The framework to offer the newspaper is Sinatra.
- The gem to pull the content out of the links is Pismo.
- THomas Plotkowiak a Social Media Researcher at the MCM Institute
- Contact me under: [email protected]