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User Guide Set up with Central Repository

Patrick van Dissel edited this page Aug 17, 2014 · 1 revision

Using Pipeline with a Central Repository

Currently only git-based repositories are supported
When a user pushes to a central code repository like git, a pipeline is triggered based on the configuration that is located within the that git repository.

    +----------+        +----------+
    |   User   |        |          |
    |          | +----> | git repo |
    | git push |        |          |
    +----------+        +-+--------+
                          | git post-hook calls
                          |   via web-call
 |                        |           |
 |                        v           |
 |  +----------+       +----------+   |
 |  | Pipeline |<------| Pipeline |   |
 |  | Runner   |       | Listener |   |
 |  +----+-----+       +----------+   |
 |       |                            |
 |       v                            |
 |    Sent status                     |
 |    email                           |
 |                 +------------------+
 |                 |Runs on one server|

The simple set-up requires that the central code repository supports post-hooks as these are executed after code is committed/pushed to the repository. Git is such type of code repository.


  • A Linux-based server to run Pipeline on
    Note: This server must be accessible via HTTP(S) from your central code repository
    • Java 7+
    • Git (as currently only git is supported)
    • (Windows platform currently not tested, therefor may or may not work)
  • A central code repository that supports post-hooks eg.
  • Any tools your code requires for compiling, testing, etc (its pipeline)
    Note: When working with Java code, it must currently support Java 7 as Pipeline itself and your project pipeline will use the same Java runtime


Installing Pipeline for this simple set-up is done as follows:

  1. Download the Pipeline installation package
  2. Unpack the installation package to a location of choice
  3. Add {unpack-location}/bin/ to your environment PATH variable
  4. Start pipeline by executing the command pipe-listen server, the log output will tell that the server is running on port 8080
  5. Register the Pipeline post-hook with the central code repository:
  1. That's it! On your next push to the central code repository, your pipeline should be triggered

Now, add a pipeline configuration to your project!


  1. In the root of your code repository, create a project.pipe script
  2. Configure the pipeline.