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  1. This is Xenofarm
  2. The Grand Design of Everything
  3. The Server Script
    3.1. Obtaining the Source
    3.2. Creating a Build Package
    3.3. Build Package Format
    3.4. Invoking the Generic Server Script
    3.5. Example Setup for the Generic Server Script
  4. The Web Export
  5. The Compilation Client
  6. The Web Import
  7. The Result Parser
    7.1. Format of a Result Package
    7.2. Invoking the Generic Result Parser
  8. The Result Interface using Roxen WebServer
  9. The Result Interface using updatehtml
    9.1. Configuring updatehtml
 10. Garbage Collection
 11. Creating your own Project

1. This is Xenofarm

The Xenofarm project is a rather small project, if measured in code.
This is because the wonders of modern computer engineering lets us
reuse components to build advanced applications with ease, letting us
programmers focus on important tasks as design and quality. Did you
buy that? Well, normally the world isn't as perfect as we like it to
be, but in this case it is, since Xenofarm is just some glue
components holding together other components.

The goal of Xenofarm is to aid programmers who want to build extremely
platform independent applications. Most programmers would say, "If I
want to do something platform independent I use
Pike/Python/Perl/Java/LOGO", but there are still some guys struggling
to get these programming languages to work on all strange OS on all
strange platforms. It is for them (us) this tool is built.

From a historical point of view, Xenofarm is a complete rewrite of the
automated build and regression test tool that was used by the Pike
programming language development team between 1999 and 2002. It was
called AutoBuild and was created by Martin Nilsson and Johan Schön at
Roxen Internet Software. AutoBuild was in turn derived from (or rather
inspired by) Tinderbox, a similar system used by the Mozilla
development team. Xenofarm still sticks to the basic AutoBuild
concept, but was redesigned to get rid of the few annoying flaws and
shortcomings of its predecessor. Most notably the system components
has been more loosely coupled and the system should scale to X
different clients performing Y different projects for Z different

SH-client by Peter Bortas
HTTP PUT  by Per Hedbor
The rest  by Martin Nilsson

Substantial contributors:
  Per Cederqvist
  Johan Sundström
  Anders Qvist

Xenofarm is released under GNU GPL.

Xenofarm initially only supported CVS.  It currently also supports
Subversion and StarTeam, but the documentation is lacking somewhat for
those version control systems.  See projects/lyskom-server for a
sample project that uses Subversion.

2. The Grand Design of Everything

The basic idea with Xenofarm is to help developers solve bugs, as
compared with the Mozilla projects Tinderbox where the goal is to find
the bugs as quickly as possible. We believe that it is better to get
"the full picture" of what is broken, and as much information as
possible, before starting to fix the code. There are essentially three
ways that differs between Tinderbox and Xenofarm in this aspect;

 1. Xenofarm synchronizes its build on all platforms. It creates a
    build package, containing the source code and additional data
    needed to build it, and distributes it to all clients and the
    build result is presented as a group. It is then easy to see if
    eg. all Sparc computers failed or all Solaris computers failed,
    which simplifies the bug hunt.

 2. Xenofarm applies CVS checkout latencies, to try to minimize
    mid-check in breaks. The latency is currently based on a simple
    threshold value, but a more advanced solution is in the works.

 3. "All" relevant information is collected from the build machines to
    the front end. This enables people with no login access to the
    computers to help in the bug hunt.

Another design goal with Xenofarm was to scale better than AutoBuild
did; In terms of number of clients, in terms of number of projects, in
terms of number of source locations and in terms of distance.
Conceptually the system has a number of build package producers and a
number of compilation clients. Every compilation client then decides
which packages they want to "subscribe" to. The workflow is as

 1. Some trigger mechanism signals that it is time to make a new
    build. The trigger is typically a CVS check in.
 2. The server script creates a new build package and exports it
    through a web server.
 3. The client polls the web server and finds a new package, which it
 4. The client builds/tests/whatever the package and uploads the
    result to a web server. Typically the same web server as it
    downloaded the build package from.
 5. A result processor takes the uploaded result package and derives
    interesting facts, which it stores in a database. The result files
    are moved into an exported web directory.
 6. The result summary and all the exported files can be viewed from a
    web interface.

3. The Server Script

The server script is responsible for creating new build packages when
triggered, and place them in a directory where the web export picks it
up. Since the composition of a build package varies a lot from project
to project, we've taken the approach to include all the base
functionality into one pike program file and then inherit that file
into "project programs" that contains logic specific for that project.
The rationale of course is that programming languages are better
suited for this type of configurational task than any artificial
configuration file language one might come up with.

The base program is however useful in its own to create a "generic"
build package from a CVS archive. The rest of this section talks about
the generic server script; it may not apply to derived scripts such as

Before you run the base server for the first time, you must create a
work directory for it. This directory should be located on the same
filesystem as the web directory (see --web-dir). The base server will
store state files within a subdirectory called "state", and temporary
files within "tmp". It also requires a copy of the source; see below.
It will not use other file names in the work directory, so you are
free to use other files yourself.

3.1. Obtaining the Source

The generic server polls the CVS repository by running "cvs -q update"
in a working copy of the source. If anything has been changed, it will
create a new build package.

You must perform the initial checkout manually, before running
server.pike. The checkout must be performed in the work directory of
server.pike (see --work-dir). If you want to build from a branch,
just use the "-r" option of "cvs co" to create a sticky tag in the
working copy.

The name of the checked out module must match the --cvs-module
argument you give to server.pike.

3.2. Creating a Build Package

The working copy of the source must be transformed to a build package
that the clients can download. The input to this transformation is the
working copy of the source. The result of the transformation should be
a gzipped tar file with certain properties (see "Build package

The generic server has built-in support for a very simple
transformation: it simply runs

   echo $buildid > $working/buildid.txt
   tar cf $name.tar $working
   rm $working/buildid.txt
   gzip $name.tar

This only works if the working copy fulfills the requirements defined
in "Build package format". For projects that are not adapted to
Xenofarm, this is most often not the case.

You can specify an external program via the --transformer argument. 
That program will receive three arguments: the name of the directory
that holds the working copy of the source, the name of the resulting
build package that it should create and the build id. The ".tar.gz"
suffix is not included in the name argument. This small shellscript is
equivalent to the default built-in transformation:

    echo $buildid > $working/buildid.txt
    tar cf $name.tar $working || exit 1
    rm $working/buildid.txt
    gzip $name.tar || exit 1
    exit 0

The transform script can be written in any language; you don't need to
know Pike to write it. If you want to use Pike, you might consider
inheriting from server.pike and writing your own transform_source()
function. Doing so will be slightly more efficient and enables you to
directly access all variables in the server program. See
projects/pike/server.pike for an example of what a program that
inherits the server might look like.

The transform script should take care not to modify anything within
$working. If you need to create files in the distribution, do so in a
copy. Assuming you have GNU cp, you could write a script along these

    rm -rf copy
    cp -a $working copy || exit 1
    echo $buildid > copy/buildid.txt
    (cd copy && autoconf) || exit 1
    cat << EOF > copy/makefile
    	make -f Makefile
    tar cf $name.tar copy || exit 1
    gzip $name.tar || exit 1
    exit 0

See projects/lyskom-server/ for a more complex
example of a transformation script.

3.3. Build Package Format

The build package must:

 - create a toplevel directory and unpack in it.

 - contain a buildid.txt file in the toplevel directory that
   identifies the build. If an unmodified result parser is to be used
   the buildid.txt file must conform to the description in section

3.4. Invoking the Generic Server Script

The generic server program is started with

  ./server.pike <arguments> <project>

where arguments are from the list below and project is the name of the
xenofarm project. You need one server per project. Many of the
settings have hard coded defaults, but in some cases that was not
possible, so some arguments are mandatory. These are cvs-module, db,
web-dir and work-dir.


      The CVS module the server should use. This argument is

  --db=<database url>
      The database URL, eg. mysql://localhost/xenofarm. This argument
      is mandatory.

      Make a new build and exit, regardless if there has been a new
      check in or if we are within the min-distance quarantine or
      check in latency.

      Displays a summary of the available arguments and their use.

      The enforced latency between the latest check in and when the
      next package is made. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes).

      The enforced minimum distance in time between to builds.
      Defaults to 7200 seconds (two hours).

      How often the CVS is queried for new check ins, not including
      the time when the server is enforcing minimum build distance and
      when the server is enforcing build latency. Defaults to 60

      The CVS repository the server should use. This string is given
      as the -d argument to the CVS binary. (This value is not
      currently used by the generic server.pike script. Derived
      versions may find it useful.)

  --transformer=<file path>
      Program that builds the source package.

      CVS options to append to "cvs -q update". Defaults to "-Pd" but
      using "--update-opts=-d" could also make sense. Giving multiple
      --update-opts adds arguments to the command line, in that order.

      Send messages about everything that happens to stdout. It might
      be a good idea to start the server with
      ./server.pike <args> --verbose <project> > server.log &

      Where the outgoing build packages should be put. This argument
      is mandatory.

      Where state files and temporary files for the server script
      should be put. This argument is mandatory.

3.5. Example Setup for the Generic Server Script

Let's say that you want to set up a Xenofarm for Python. The first
step is to create a web export directory. This is where the build
packages will be created. This must be accessible by a web server.

  $ mkdir -p /some/path/pythonexport

You also need a work directory for the generic server script and to
perform an initial checkout of the Python sources inside the work
directory, like this:

  $ mkdir -p /some/path/pythonworkdir
  $ cd /some/path/pythonworkdir
  $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/python \
	 co python

Finally, you need to create a database. Assuming that the user "linus"
will do the database maintenance and run server.pike and
result_parser.pike, that the Roxen modules will run as user "www" and
that there is a mysql user root that is privileged to grant others
privileges. Under these conditions these commands will set up the
privileges properly for a database called "python_xenofarm":

  $ mysql -u root -p
  mysql> create database python_xenofarm;
  mysql> grant select, insert, update, delete, create, drop, index, alter
      -> on python_xenofarm.*
      -> to linus@localhost;
  mysql> grant select, insert, update, delete
      -> on python_xenofarm.*
      -> to www@localhost;
  mysql> exit

And then populate it with a few tables:

  $ mysql -D python_xenofarm -u linus -p < tables.sql

Once all this is in place, you can run the generic script like this:

  $ ./server.pike --db=mysql://dbuser:dbpassword@/python_xenofarm \
	--cvs-module=python \
	--web-dir=/some/dir/pythonexport/ \
	--work-dir=/some/dir/pythonworkdir/ \

The server will run forever and create new build packages within
/some/dir/pythonworkdir/ when anything has changed.

To avoid having to give so many options, you can create an inherited
server.pike.  See projects/python/stable/server.pike for an example.

4. The Web Export

The Xenofarm client fetches new build packages from a specific web
server URL. From that URL it expects to get a file named
snapshot.tar.gz. It also expects the Last-Modified header to change to
a later date and time when a new build package is made available.

The Roxen WebServer module "Xenofarm I/O module", found in
roxen_modules/xenofarm_fs.pike, is mounted as a file system module in
the webservers virtual file system. By default it mounts to the path
/xenofarm. The module will export the build packages put in the path
entered in "Dist search path" at the module mount point.

The module expects all build packages to be named as
XXXX-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.tar.gz, where XXXX is the name of the project,
eg. Pike7.3-20020509-203344.tar.gz. These files are directly
accessible from the mountpoint, e g
/xenofarm/Pike7.3-20020509-203344.tar.gz in this case. The latest
version is exported through the stable URL mountpoint/latest, e g
/xenofarm/latest in this case. This in turn returns a redirect to a
snapshot.tar.gz in a subdirectory named after the latest source
distribution. In this case /xenofarm/latest would redirect to
/xenofarm/Pike7.3-20020509-203344/snapshot.tar.gz. The Last-Modified
header is derived from the file name, not the actual mtime of the
file, so the system is robust and handles dirty hacks that move the
files between systems.

The reason to put more than one file in the outgoing directory is to
enable more redirects than just the "latest" one. It might be
interesting to export the most successful one, eg. the one with the
highest number of successful builds, as a service for people not
interested in the build project, but in the source code itself. In
this way Xenofarm might act as an automatic QA for people who wants an
almost CVS-fresh version and still minimizing the risks of upgrading.

It could also be interesting to provide a "latest interesting"
redirect, where interesting means interesting from a debugging point
of view. Some of the machines that participates in a Xenofarm
"cluster" could be so slow that it might take several normal build
cycles for them to complete one. In these cases it would be a big loss
if these machines took the latest CVS snapshot and spent several hours
compiling only to find a trivial typo that a faster machine detected
in minutes. A CVS snapshot containing only failing builds is likely to
fail on these machines as well, while on a snapshot where at least one
machine succeeded and several failed every extra result will aid
programmers in solving the problem.

It is of course possible to use a less complex solution for the
distribution. Just put the files in a normal directory, add a symlink
from snapshot.tar.gz to the latest build package, and ensure that the
webserver handles the Last-Modified correctly when you update your
files. An even simpler solution is to just replace the snapshot.tar.gz
every time a new build is made.

5. The Compilation Client

The compilation client is the collective name of the software running
on the client side, taking care of downloading, compilation, data
gathering and result submission. The compilation client is written in
sh scripts who mostly use standard unix components. The non-standard
components required are wget for downloading build packages and a
little C utility that performs HTTP PUT, used for uploading the
result. There are two reasons for why we have taken the trouble to do
the client in this way:

 1. Although Pike is very portable, sh and wget are almost always
    already present. This choice of language will enable even more
    platforms to become compilation clients.

 2. Since a lot of files in the Pike source code are generated by Pike
    scripts, it is good to ensure that the clients do not have any
    easily accessible Pike installed. This checks if any make rules in
    the build package target is broken so that some files are not

We have tried to keep the interface between the build package and the
client as simple as possible. The package should be a standard tar.gz
file, which when unpacked should result in a single directory with all
the files and subdirectories of the project in it. Once unpacked, the
client will enter the directory and execute the command defined in the
clients configuration file. It expects this to result in a directory
named xenofarm_result containing the collected files to be reported
back to the result server. The client copies the buildid.txt file into
this directory, generates a machineid.txt and then tars and gzips the
directory and sends it to the result server with HTTP PUT.

If the command fails the client will create a result package on its
own containing at least three files:

  This file contains a log of all output from running the build command
  in the package. This file should only be produced by the client script 
  when the execution command fails.

  This file contains a number of values on the form "identifier:
  value" that identifies the build machine and it's
  environment. Currently it contains the following pairs:

     sysname: <output from "uname -s">
     release: <output from "uname -r">
     version: <output from "uname -v">
     machine: <output from "uname -m">
     nodename: <output from "uname -n">
     testname: <the name of the test as specified in the config file>
     command: <the command line for the test as specified in the
               config file>
     clientversion: <the output from " --version">
     putversion: <the output from "put --version">
     contact: <an email address to the person maintaining the client
               instance as specified in config/contact.txt>

  New identifiers might be added in new versions of the client.
  Unknown identifiers should not cause a fatal error in the
  result parser. They are available in the result mapping in the
  result_parser.pike program as any other identifier-value pair.

  This file is a copy of the buildid.txt file in the build package.

For more information about the compilation client, see the README in
the client directory.

6. The Web Import

When the client has built its result file, it is uploaded through HTTP
PUT to a URL specified in the client configuration file. The "Xenofarm
I/O module" is able to be in the receiving end and store the results
in the "Result search path" directory. The module accepts all files
that are uploaded to "result" in its mountpoint. Given the default
mountpoint /xenofarm, the default result URL path is /xenofarm/result.
The uploaded files are named "res" followed by the posix time, an
underscore, a counter incremented for every upload since the module
started, and finally ".tar.gz". The file name might look like

Again it is possible to use any webserver and set up a path that
accepts HTTP PUT. Possible solutions to minimize the risk of clashes
is to let the clients name the result packages differently, or letting
all clients have their own upload URL.

7. The Result Parser

Once the result packages are uploaded to the result server, which need
not be the same machine as the export server, they are processed by
the result parser. The result parser is a fairly simplistic script
that checks the in directory for new files at given intervals, and if
a new result package is found does the following:

 1. Unzips and untars the package into a working directory.
 2. Retrieves the build id.
 3. Retrieves the machine id, eg. the host name and uname of the
    client machine.
 4. Finds out how many of the possible steps where completed, eg.
    compilation and verification but not packaging, and calculates an
    overall result for the result.
 5. Counts the number of compilation warnings.
 6. Stores the results of the parsing in a database.
 7. Moves the log files to a directory reachable from the front end
    web server.
 8. Deletes the uploaded package.

The heuristics for calculating the overall result in step 4 is as
follows: If the task "build" doesn't pass, the result failed. If
everything passed, the result passed. Otherwise the build is in the
state "WARN".

7.1. Format of a Result Package

This section documents how a result package should look like when the
generic result_parser.pike script is used. It should be a gzipped tar
file that contains a number of files. It must not contain any
directory, since such tars will not be opened for security reasons.
The following files have special meaning in the generic result parser:

  The first line of this file should contain the build id, which is
  the id column of the build table. This value is used for the build
  column in the result table.

  This file is always produced and included by the Xenofarm client.
  The format of this file is described in section 6. If duplicates of
  a key is found, the last value will be used. It is thus possible to
  override the generated values by adding an additional keypair in the
  config/contact.txt file.

  A log of the build process, in a special format.

    mainlog   := id logpair+ ("END\n" [0x00-0xff]*)?
    id        := "FORMAT " version "\n"
    logpair   := start logpair* end
    start     := "BEGIN " task "\n" timestamp "\n"
    end       := result "\n" timestamp "\n"
    result    := "PASS" | "FAIL" | "WARN" (" " warnings)?
    version   := [0-9]+
    task      := [_a-ZA-Z0-9]+
    warnings  := [0-9]+
    timestamp := [-.:/0-9a-zA-Z ]+

  Where "version" is the version of the log file format, which
  currently is "2". The token "task" is the name of the task or group
  of tasks performed. Note that all tasks at the same level and within
  the same supertask must have unique names. "warnings" is a numeric
  value of the number of warnings encountered. "timestamp" is the
  output from the date command in the "C" locale, preferably in the
  GMT timezone. It is recommended that "timestamp" is created by

    TZ=GMT LC_ALL=C date

  or something equivalent.  Example output:

    Sat Jan 18 22:26:06 GMT 2003

  The result parser understands several other date formats as well,
  but this format and this time zone seems to be the most reliable.

  A log of the compilation. The warning count is the number of lines
  in this file that case insensitively matches the string "warning".

In addition to the above files, you may include any number of extra
files. They will all be accessible via the web result interface, but
the generic Xenofarm result parser will ignore them.

7.2. Invoking the Generic Result Parser

The generic result parser can be used in two different modes, either
to parse specific result files or as a daemon that checks for new
result files in a directory for incoming files. To start the result
parser, type:

  ./result_parser.pike <arguments> [<result files>]

If a list of files are given, only these files will be parsed.
Otherwise the result parser will start to act as a daemon, reading new
files from the result directory at given intervals. Every successfully
parsed file will be removed from the result directory.


  --db=<database url>
      The database URL, e.g. mysql://localhost/xenofarm. This argument
      is mandatory, unless --dry-run has been issued.

      If used, the result parser will not store any results in the
      database, move any files to the web server directory or remove
      any files from the result directory.

      Displays a summary of the available arguments and their use.

      How often the result directory is checked for new result files.
      Defaults to 60 seconds.

      Where incoming result files are read from. This argument is
      mandatory, unless any result files are given directly at the
      command line.

      Send messages about everything that happens to stdout.

      Where the contents of the result files should be copied to. This
      argument is mandatory, unless --dry-run has been issued.

      Where temporary files should be put. This directory needs to be
      emptied before the script is started. This argument is

8. The Result Interface using Roxen WebServer

If you are running a Roxen WebServer you can use the Xenofarm UI
module to get dynamically generated result pages. The module keeps
data structures representing the build results in memory and updates
them from the database at configurable intervals, to make a good
combination of speed of presentation and freshness of data. These data
structures are then available through a collection of RXML tags and
plugins so that the result pages can be highly customized. If you are
interested in static pages instead, skip to the "The Result Interface
using updatehtml" chapter.

Note that the Xenofarm UI module has not yet been updated to support
more than one project or branch in the same database.

8.1. RXML Tag documentation

<xf-update/> or <xf-update></xf-update>

  Updates the cached result table from the database. The tag works as
  a mutex if used as a container tag. Then the contents of the tag
  will not change during output.

    db=database URL

      The database that contains the Xenofarm result table. Defaults
      to the database set in as default database in the administration
      interface. The selected database will propagate automatically to
      all other xf-tags inside the xf-update tag, unless the tags has
      db attribute of their own.


      Returns the time when the cahed table was updated, eg.
      "2002-08-30 11:26:01".

Emit plugin xf-build

  Lists all the builds that is in the result table, which size is
  limited by the "Number of results" setting in the administration
  interface. A sum of the number of non-failing results for each task
  is available in an entity with the task name. E.g. the number of
  returned, non-failing results for build/compile is available in

    db=database URL

      The database that contains the Xenofarm result table. Defaults
      to the database set in the containing xf-update tag or, if such
      tag is missing, the default database in the administration


      The numeric id of the client.


      The timestamp of the previous build.


      The result from the source package creation. Can assume one of
      the values "FAIL", "WARN" and "PASS".


      The overall assessment of how well the build went, ie. a min()
      function of all the plupps in this build. If one plupp is red
      the summary is red. Can assume one of the values "NONE", "FAIL",
      "WARN" and "PASS".


      The time stamp of the build.

Emit plugin xf-machine

  Lists all the clients that are visible on the result table.

    db=database URL

      The database that contains the Xenofarm result table. Defaults
      to the database set in the containing xf-update tag or, if such
      tag is missing, the default database in the administration


      If set, any machine with no returned result within the given
      number of builds will be removed from the emit result.


      If set, the emit will only return information about the machine
      with this id. Any recency attribute will be ignored.


      The numeric id of the client.


      The machine name of the client. Typically what uname -m would


      The node name of the client. Typically what uname -n would


      The client system string. Essentially what uname -a would
      return. If the test is other than the default test, its name is
      appended to this string.


      The release of the client OS. Typically what uname -r would


      The system name of the client. Typically what uname -s would


      The name of the test performed by the client.


      The version of the client OS. Typically what uname -v would

Emit plugin xf-result

  Lists the results that maches the given search criterions. At least
  one of the attributes build and machine must be given.

    db=database URL

      The database that contains the Xenofarm result table. Defaults
      to the database set in the containing xf-update tag or, if such
      tag is missing, the default database in the administration


      The numerical id of a build.


      The numberical id of a machine.


      The id of the build.


      The result status of the build on the current system. Can be any
      of "NONE", "FAIL", "WARN" and "PASS".


      The id of the system.


      The time stamp of the build.


      The time it took to complete the build on the client.


      The number of warnings counted in the result build log.


  Displays detailed information about a specific build. Either the
  attribute id or the attribute build and client must be present.

    db=database URL

      The database that contains the Xenofarm result table. Defaults
      to the database set in the containing xf-update tag or, if such
      tag is missing, the default database in the administration


      An identification of the build in the form build_client, e.g.


      Which build to show details for. Must be used together with the
      attribute client.


      Which client to show details for. Must be used together with the
      attribute build.


      The numerical build id.


      The node name of the client machine.


      The numerical machine id.


      The system on the client machine. Resembles 'uname -s -r -m'.


      The status of the build, e.g. 'failed'.


      The time spent during build.


      The number of warnings detected during build.


  Lists files in subdirectories named as build_client. It does not
  recurse and list files in deeper directories.


      An identification of the build in the form build_client, e.g.


      Which build to list files for. Must be used together with the
      attribute client.


      Which client to list files for. Must be used together with the
      attribute build.


      The "root" directory where the subdirectories are stored. This
      attribute is required.

9. The Result Interface using updatehtml

As an alternative to the Roxen module, you can generate static HTML
files that can be served using any web server, or even looked at in
the file system.

To do this, you must first create an file. This is
a configuration file with simple variable assignments. It is actually
written in the Python language, but you don't need to know Python to
edit the file. projects/lyskom-server/ contains a
sample file that you can start to edit. See the next section.

Note that updatehtml has not yet been updated to support more than one
project or branch in the same database.

If you want to do minor changes to the HTML code, you can copy and
edit the file.

Once you are done, you can run the updatehtml script like this,
assuming that your configuration files are located in
projects/something, and that that is your current working directory:

  $ ../../updatehtml .

Or like this, if the current working directory is the the directory of
this README file:

  $ ./updatehtml projects/something

You can also give a full path to both the script and the project

This will create index.html files for all the unpacked build results
that don't already have an index.html file. It will also generate
overview files for those builds and systems that are affected by the

You can use the "--force" argument to regenerate all files. This is
useful if you have changed a configuration parameter, or if you
upgrade the version of

You can use the "--verbose" argument to list the created index.html
files.  Repeat the option for even more verbose output.

9.1. Configuring updatehtml

You need to set the following variables in updatehtml.cfg:

      A full path to the directory that hold the unpacked result
      files. This is the same as the --web-dir argument of the result
      parser. will create an "index.html" file inside
      each result directory, so write permission is needed.

      A full URL prefix that corresponds to the above directory.

      A full path to the directory where the static HTML files will be
      created. This can be set to the same as unpacked_results_dir,
      but it can also be set to something else. The following files
      will be created:

            Overview of the latest results from each system.

            Overview of all results from build %d.

            Overview of all results computed by system %d.

            Total overview. (Not yet implemented).

      A full URL prefix that corresponds to the output directory.

      You need to provide four icons:

        PASS.gif        # OK. Typically a green dot.
        WARN.gif        # OK, but with warnings. Typically a yellow dot.
        FAIL.gif        # Failure. Typically a red dot.
        NONE.gif        # Task not done. Typically a white dot.

      You can use the icons found in the icons/ subdirectory, or
      create your own icons. The button_url_prefix will be prepended
      to the above names to generate the URL that is used to fetch the
      icons. No slash will be inserted, so if your icons are named
      "foo-PASS.gif", "foo-WARN.gif", et c, your prefix should end
      in "/foo-".

      The extension used for the four icons, such as ".gif" or

      The name of the MySQL database that holds the information for
      this project.

      The MySQL user name that should be used when accessing the

      The host where the database exists.

      The file that contains the password needed to access the MySQL
      database. The file should contain the password and (optionally)
      a trailing newline.

      The name of this project. The name will be included on all the
      generated HTML files.

      On the detailed result pages, attempts to group
      files to the task they correspond to. If a task is named FOO,
      files in the result package named FOOlog.txt, FOOwarn.txt and
      FOOfail.txt will automatically be listed under the task
      heading. Using this variable, you can define additional file
      names that should belong to a particular task. Example:

        files_per_task = {
            "check": ["check.txt"],
            "configure": ["configlog.txt", "configcache.txt"],

      This is a Python dictionary, with a task name as key, and a list
      of file names as the value.

      If you don't want to use this feature, put this in the config

        files_per_task = { }

      This is like files_per_task, but instead of specifying an exact
      file name you can specify a regular expression. The syntax of
      the regular expressions is documented at

      The following example ensures that all files named
      valgrind-0.log.txt, valgrind-1.log.txt et c are listed under the
      ckprg task:

        files_per_task_re = {
            'ckprg': ['valgrind-[0-9]+\.log\.txt'],

      This is a list of files that should not be included on the
      detailed result pages. Example:

        hidden_files = [

      It makes sense to exclude index.html, since that is the file
      that the listing appears on. The buildid.txt file typically
      only contains the build number, and that number is printed
      inline on the index.html page, so it makes sense to omit that
      file as well.

10. Garbage Collection

When running a Xenofarm server some files are not removed from the
system. All the build packages produced by the server program as well
as all the files obtained from the result packages will remain until
deleted. To automate the deletion of superfluous you can use the
Garbage Collection script, gc.pike. Although it currently isn't very
advanced, we expect it might grow complex in the future.

Currently only the last build package, or last few packages, are
spared, but if the possible extensions listed in section 4 are
implemented several packages must be kept online. These build packages
could potentially differ very much in age.

In a similar fashion it is possible that we would like to keep more
build results than the last few builds. The latest successful build is
one possibility, especially if the resulting binary is included in the
result package. The latest build result of every status, eg. one that
failed to build, one that failed to verify etc. is another.


      The maximum number of build packages that should remain after
      the garbage collector has made a sweep. Defaults to 1.

      Displays a summary of the available arguments and their use.

      The directory where the outgoing build packages resides.

      The number of seconds to sleep between every sweep. Defaults to
      two hours.

      The directory where the decompressed results are stored, ie. the
      path in --web-dir argument to the result parser.

      The maximum number of results that should remain after the
      garbage collector has made a sweep. Defaults to 11.

      Save this many results from each system. The most common value
      is to set this to 1, to have the last result from each system
      saved. Default is 0.

11. Creating your own Project

Here is a checklist of the things you must do to set up a new
project. If you use a non-standard server.pike or result_parser.pike,
this checklist may be incorrect.

 1. Follow the steps in "3.5. Example Setup for the Generic Server
    Script", but don't run server.pike just yet.

 2. Make sure the resulting build package can produce a result
    package. See "7.1. Format of a Result Package".

 3. Run server.pike with the --force option:

      $ pike server.pike --verbose --force <options as in 3.5>

    A build package should be created.

 4. Set up the Roxen module xenofarm_fs.pike. See "4. The Web

 5. Create a config file for the client. See "4. Configuring the
    client." in client/README.

 6. Run the client on as many different systems as you can:


    It should download the build package, build it, and upload the
    resulting result package.

 7. Run the result parser:

      $ pike result_parser.pike --verbose <options as in 7.2>

    This will unpack the result packages and enter information into
    the database.

 8. Use either (or both!) of the available result interfaces to make
    the results visible on the web. See "8. The Result Interface using
    Roxen WebServer" and "9. The Result Interface using updatehtml".

 9. Now that you have seen that everything works, you can start
    server.pike without the --force option. It will continue to run,
    and create build packages whenever the source code is updated.
    You should run from cron on the clients.