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Dockerized Massa node

Last build for Massa node version MAIN.2.3


  • Easy import your wallet from private key or .yaml file
  • Autocompound MAS rewards
  • Set a target roll amount
  • Persistent storage
  • Auto update of your public IP (usefull for connections with dynamic ip)
  • All docker features ( run in background, persistent logs, always restart)

Quick install wizard

This script will install and run a Massa node. Buying rolls and start staking right away. Yes my friend!

  1. Download the installer
curl -fsSL -o
  1. Run the installer
sudo sh
  • The script will install docker and setup your docker compose file
  • If you wish to import a wallet from a private key, the script will setup it for you.

Manual install


  • Install docker and docker-compose on your system

How to setup

  • Create a docker-compose.yml file. Copy the provided content below, and customize it by adding your specific environment variables.
  • WALLETPWD is mandatory. It is the password to unlock your wallet. If you are importing wallet from private key, this password will be used to encrypt wallet backup file

Import wallet from .yaml file

  • Create a massa_mount folder next to your docker-compose.yml file. Put your wallet .yaml file in it. That's it!

Import wallet from private key

  • set WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY variable to import a wallet from its private key. It will be loaded at node startup.
# docker-compose.yml

    image: peterjah/massa-core
    container_name: massa-core
    restart: always
      - WALLETPWD=
    # use this to import wallet from private key
      - MINIMAL_FEE=0
     - "31244:31244"
     - "31245:31245"
     - "33035:33035"
     #- "31248:31248" prometheus metrics port. Uncomment to use with grafana dashboard
      - SYS_NICE
      - SYS_TIME
     - ./massa_mount:/massa_mount

    # Uncomment this to activate auto updates
    # watchtower:
    #   image: containrrr/watchtower
    #   container_name: watchtower
    #   volumes:
    #     - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    #   command: --stop-timeout 360s --interval 300 massa-core


Available options:

  • MINIMAL_FEE: Configure the minimal fee to be included in operation. Below this, the node will reject the operation. Massa node default is 0.01MAS
  • DYNIP: Set to "1" if you host under dynamic public IP. Disabled by default.
  • WALLETPWD: Password used to encrypt wallet yaml file.
  • WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY: Optional. Private key to import
  • NODE_MAX_RAM: The app node will auto restart if RAM usage goes over this % threshold. Default to 99%.
  • TARGET_ROLL_AMOUNT: The max number of rolls you want to hold. It will buy or sell rolls according your MAS balance and the targeted amount. If not provided the rewards will be automatically compound (i.e node will buy a roll as soon as wallet as 100MAS).

Manage your node:

  • Start the container in detached mode:
sudo docker compose up -d
  • Stop the container in detached mode:
sudo docker compose down
  • Update your node to latest version and restart it:
sudo docker compose pull && sudo docker compose up -d
  • See the node logs:
sudo docker compose logs
  • Filter to get only Massa-guard logs:
sudo docker compose logs | grep Massa-Guard
  • To enter your container:
sudo docker exec -it massa-core /bin/bash
  • Using massa client to get node status:
sudo docker exec -t massa-core massa-cli get_status
  • Using massa client to get your wallet info:
sudo docker exec -t massa-core massa-cli wallet_info


image info

Log rotation

Logs from your running docker will accumulate with the time. To avoid the disk to be full, you can setup log rotation at Docker level.

Create or edit the file /etc/docker/daemon.json

  "log-driver": "local",
  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "15m",
    "max-file": "5"

Automated update

We recommend the use of watchtower to automagically pull the latest version of the docker image when available. Just add the following lines to add a new service in your docker-compose file:

    image: containrrr/watchtower
    container_name: watchtower
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    command: --stop-timeout 360s --interval 300 massa-core


IPV6 is disabled by default. To enable it in massa node edit the massa_mount/node_config-<version>.toml file. Set the bootstrap_protocol field under bootstrap section to "Both"

This part is highly experimental and has not been actively tested.

  • Create or edit your host /etc/docker/daemon.json to add:
  "ipv6": true,
  "fixed-cidr-v6": "fd00::/80"
  • Restart docker service to reload config setting
  • Allow MASQUERADE for ipv6
ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s fd00::/80 ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE
  • Create a container which dynamicaly edit your iptables rules for port redirection
docker run -d --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro --cap-drop=ALL --cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_MODULE --net=host --name ipv6nat robbertkl/ipv6nat


Thanks to fsidhoum and dockyr for help


Dockerized Massa node







No packages published


  • Shell 90.5%
  • Dockerfile 9.5%