Prefy is an android library that will make your life with sharedPreferences easy than ever! Just choose your preferred one, the regular sharedPreferences, or the encrypted sharedPreferences with AES256.
- New API methos to put value only if the key is not exist.
- New API methos to get the value and remove the key.
- New return type. more info here.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.paz-lavi:Prefy:1.0.4'
1. Initialize Prefy in your Application
init(Context context, boolean encrypted)
For example:
public class MyApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
2. Get a Prefy instanse
Prefy prefy = Prefy.getInstance();
or whenever you need just use Prefy.getInstance()
for example:
Prefy.getInstance().getInt("myKey" , 0);
public void putString(String key, String value);
public boolean putStringSync(String key, String value);
public String getString(String key, String defValue);
public boolean putStringIfKeyNotExist(String key, String value);
public PrefyMsg putStringSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, String value);
public String getStringAndRemoveKey(String key, String defValue);
prefy.putString("key1", "prefy is ");
prefy.putStringSync("key2", "awesome");
prefy.getString("key1", "");
prefy.getString("key2", "");
public void putBoolean(String key, boolean value);
public boolean putBooleanSync(String key, boolean value);
public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defValue);
public boolean putBooleanIfKeyNotExist(String key, boolean value);
public PrefyMsg putBooleanSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, boolean value);
public boolean getBooleanAndRemoveKey(String key, boolean defValue);
prefy.putBoolean("key1", true);
prefy.putBooleanSync("key2", false);
prefy.getBoolean("key1", false);
prefy.getBoolean("key2", true);
public void putInt(String key, int value)
public boolean putIntSync(String key, int value)
public int getInt(String key, int defValue)
public boolean putIntIfKeyNotExist(String key, int value)
public PrefyMsg putIntSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, int value)
public int getIntAndRemoveKey(String key, int defValue)
prefy.putInt("key1", 1);
prefy.putIntSync("key2", 96);
prefy.getInt("key1", 29);
prefy.getInt("key2", 18);
public void putFloat(String key, float value);
public boolean putFloatSync(String key, float value);
public float getFloat(String key, float defValue);
public boolean putFloatIfKeyNotExist(String key, float value);
public PrefyMsg putFloatSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, float value);
public float getFloatAndRemoveKey(String key, float defValue);
prefy.putFloat("key1", 1.03f);
prefy.putFloatSync("key2", 96.65f);
prefy.getFloat("key1", 0f);
prefy.getFloat("key2", 0f);
public void putLong(String key, long value)
public boolean putLongSync(String key, long value)
public long getLong(String key, long defValue)
public boolean putLongIfKeyNotExist(String key, long value)
public PrefyMsg putLongSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, long value)
public long getLongAndRemoveKey(String key, long defValue)
prefy.putLong("key1", 66656466565541454L);
prefy.putLongSync("key2", 12121L);
prefy.getLong("key1", 0L);
prefy.getLong("key2", 0L);
public void putDouble(String key, double value);
public boolean putDoubleSync(String key, double value);
public double getDouble(String key, double defValue);
public boolean putDoubleIfKeyNotExist(String key, double value);
public PrefyMsg putDoubleSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, double value);
public double getDoubleAndRemoveKey(String key, double defValue);
prefy.putDouble("key1", 64.40);
prefy.putDoubleSync("key2", 6.23);
prefy.getDouble("key1", 29.01);
prefy.getDouble("key2", 0.0);
public void putStringSet(String key, Set<String> value)
public boolean putStringSetSync(String key, Set<String> value)
public Set<String> getStringSet(String key, Set<String> defValue)
public boolean putStringSetIfKeyNotExist(String key, Set<String> value)
public PrefyMsg putStringSetSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, Set<String> value)
public Set<String> getStringSetAndRemoveKey(String key, Set<String> defValue)
Set<String> s1 = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> s2 = new HashSet<String>();
prefy.getStringSet("key1", s1);
prefy.getStringSet("key2", s2);
prefy.getStringSet("key1", new HashSet<String>());
prefy.getStringSet("key2", new HashSet<String>());
public <T> void putObject(String key, T value)
public <T> boolean putObjectSync(String key, T value)
public <T> T getObject(String key, T defValue, Class<T> type)
public <T> boolean putObjectIfKeyNotExist(String key, T value)
public <T> PrefyMsg putObjectSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, T value)
public <T> T getObjectAndRemoveKey(String key, T defValue, Class<T> type)
Person p1 = new Person("prefy", "1234567890");
Person p2 = new Person("is awesome", "9876543210");
prefy.putObject("key1", p1);
prefy.putObjectSync("key2", p2);
Person p3 = prefy.getObject("key1", new Person("", ""), Person.class);
Person p4 = prefy.getObject("key2", new Person("", ""), Person.class);
public <T> void putArray(String key, T[] value) ;
public <T> boolean putArraySync(String key, T[] value) ;
public <T> T[] getArray(String key, T[] defValue, Type type);
public <T> boolean putArrayIfKeyNotExist(String key, T[] value) ;
public <T> PrefyMsg putArraySyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, T[] value) ;
public <T> T[] getArrayAndRemoveKey(String key, T[] defValue, Type type);
String[] array1 = new String[]{"prefy", "is", "awesome", "!"};
int[] array2 = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Person[] persons = new Person[]{new Person("prefy", "1234567890"),
new Person("is awesome", "9876543210")};
prefy.putArray("key1", array1);
prefy.putArray("key3", persons);
String[] strings;
Integer[] integers;
Person[] peoples;
Type type1 = prefy.getTypeToken(String[].class);
Type type2 = prefy.getTypeToken(Integer[].class);
Type type3 = prefy.getTypeToken(Person[].class);
Type type = prefy.getTypeToken(String[].class);
strings = prefy.getArray("key1", new String[]{"prefy"}, type1);
integers = prefy.getArray("key2", new Integer[]{0}, type2);
peoples = prefy.getArray("key3", new Person[20], type3);
public <T> void putArrayList(String key, ArrayList<T> value);
public <T> ArrayList<T> getArrayList(String key, ArrayList<T> defValue);
public <T> ArrayList<T> getArrayList(String key, ArrayList<T> defValue);
public <T> void putArrayListAndRemoveKey(String key, ArrayList<T> value);
public <T> ArrayList<T> getArrayListAndRemoveKey(String key, ArrayList<T> defValue);
public <T> ArrayList<T> getArrayListIfKeyNotExist(String key, ArrayList<T> defValue);
ArrayList<String> l1 = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> l2 = new ArrayList<>();
prefy.putArrayList("key1", arrayList);
prefy.putArrayListSync("key2", arrayList);
ArrayList<String> l3 = prefy.getArrayList("Key1", new ArrayList<String>());
ArrayList<String> l4 = prefy.getArrayList("Key2", new ArrayList<String>());
public <E, T> void putHashMap(String key, HashMap<E, T> value)
public <E, T> boolean putHashMapSync(String key, HashMap<E, T> value)
public <E, T> HashMap<E, T> getHashMap(String key, HashMap<E, T> defValue)
public <E, T> boolean putHashMapIfKeyNotExist(String key, HashMap<E, T> value)
public <E, T> PrefyMsg putHashMapSyncIfKeyNotExist(String key, HashMap<E, T> value)
public <E, T> HashMap<E, T> getHashMapAndRemoveKey(String key, HashMap<E, T> defValue)
HashMap<String, String> map1 = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();
map1.put("k1", "prefy");
map2.put("k2", 112);
prefy.putHashMap("key1", map1);
prefy.putHashMapSync("key2", map2);
HashMap<String, String> map3;
HashMap<String, Integer> map4;
map3 = prefy.getHashMap("key1", new HashMap<String, String>());
map4 = prefy.getHashMap("key2", new HashMap<String, Integer>());
public void remove(String key);
prefy.putString("key1", "prefy is ");
prefy.putStringSync("key2", "awesome");
public Type getTypeToken(Type _class);
Type type = prefy.getTypeToken(String[].class);
An enum that representing the return on put<TYPE>SyncIfKeyNotExist(String key,<TYPE> defValue);
methods. the options are:
- the key is already saved to sharedPreferencessaved_successfully
- the value saved successfully to sharedPreferencesnot_saved
- the value not saved to sharedPreferences
Copyright 2020 Paz Lavi
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.