This repo contains Docker container to run the Varnish reverse proxy server.
It is a part of Containerized Mediawiki install project.
defines backend using format 'host:port'. Generally backend name should be the same as container name. Example:PROXY_BACKEND_web=web:80
defines backend for the RESTBase service.PROXY_RESTBASE_URL
a regular expression defines uri that should be proxied to the RESTBase service. Example:PROXY_RESTBASE_URL=^/api/rest_v1
a string that replaces the regular expression fromPROXY_RESTBASE_URL
variable. String{backend_hint}
will be replaced by corresponded wiki backend name. Example:PROXY_RESTBASE_SUB=/{backend_hint}/v1
The environment variables
- PROXY_BACKEND_web=web:80
- PROXY_BACKEND_restbase=restbase:7231
- PROXY_RESTBASE_URL=^/api/rest_v1
- PROXY_RESTBASE_SUB=/{backend_hint}/v1
creates config contains:
vcl 4.0;
# set web backends
backend restbase {
.host = "restbase";
.port = "7231";
backend web {
.host = "web";
.port = "80";
sub vcl_recv {
set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
set req.backend_hint = web;
if (req.url ~ "^/api/rest_v1") {
set req.url = regsub(req.url, "^/api/rest_v1", regsub("/{backend_hint}/v1", "\{backend_hint\}", req.backend_hint));
set req.backend_hint = restbase;
set req.hash_ignore_busy = true;
return (pass);